Mantra for Happy Life – Knowing is not enough, we must apply – so let’s apply. what’s say?

Mantra for Happy Life -” Knowing is not enough, we must apply” – so let’s apply. what’s say?

The only mantra for a happy life is to find happiness in the present moment. And when we know what makes us happy then applying it.


Mantra for a happy life- knowing is not enough, we must apply

We all wish to have a peaceful, happy life. We want to be surrounded by positive people but it is not always possible. There are many reasons,  sometimes people, our experiences, and incidences which contributes to the making of who we are. Life throws challenges at every step. We manage to find a way out- sometimes it comes easily but other times after facing many challenges. We realize the mistakes we have done and promise ourselves for not repeating them but do we apply that?


Recently, I heard an inspiring TEDx Talk of Manisha Koirala. She talked about her life struggle which such an honesty, grace and purity that it made me listen to it over and over. The entire talk was very inspiring but the four lessons she mentioned were like pearls of wisdom.


  1. The importance of Introspection. Discover your truth and dive in that truth. We cannot be living somebody else’s life or dream. We get only one life so we must live it on our terms.
  2. Quality matters than quantity. Having 10 trustworthy and close friends is way better than being surrounded by dozens of people with whom we cannot be ourselves.
  3. There is always a lesson/ message underneath every problem we face. Make every tough situation of your life a narrative of triumph.
  4. This life is a gift. Let’s be grateful and embrace the beauty of life.


These words sound so strong and uplifting when we hear them or read them. Isn’t? But when it comes to putting them into practice, how many of us succeed? Let’s be honest with ourselves. How many times have we not cribbed on our current state of being? Almost every other day we have some problem with our lives. We complain about small things like there is so much work to do and we fall short of time or my kids don’t listen to me, or my support system is not very strong, or it is very hard to make everyone happy, etc.


Now going back to the four-pointers, lets first put a basic habit into practice. And that is finding the positives in any situation. It’s hard but it’s not impossible. Impossible itself says I am possible. I know it’s a cliché but how many of us follow it? When we re-direct our energies towards positivity, things don’t look that difficult. Once we understand what do we expect from our lives and what makes us happy then we have the mantra in our hand. For example, things like not able to go on long vacations with family will not bother us when we understand the importance and beauty of quality time spent with the family.


No matters how much prepared we are, life doesn’t lose any chance to surprise us. And we don’t lose any opportunity to complain:).  Sometimes, those complains are genuine but not always. Not all complaints are permanent. There is a solution if we see and are ready to implement. Just by saying that “I know the mantra for a happy life” is not enough if we do not change our habit of finding flaws in everything.


“Knowing is not enough, we must apply” – I believe this quote can be applied to any part of our lives where we are hesitating. Do we not have enough knowledge? Are we not prepared to apply our knowledge to the task? Are we willing to do what is necessary? Even if all of these are answered “Yes,” we still must take action. Yes, until and unless we put our knowledge, realization, lessons learned from our mistakes into practice, we are not going to attain that happy state of mind we all wish for.


Prompt: Knowing is not enough, we must apply

This post is a part of #weeklybloghop hosted by me and Neha Sharma from www.growingwithnemit. Follow hashtags- #GWNxMG #weeklybloghop #bloghop to read posts from the participants.


August Weekly Blog Hop


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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