On my blog, I occasionally do book reviews as well. To summarize a book, without spilling the beans, is not as simple as it sounds. I am sure bloggers whose blog revolves around book reviews would agree that it is the blogger’s responsibility to present a book effectively and interestingly to its readers. The book reviews sometimes become the deciding factor for the purchase. Today at Baton Baton Mein Podcast, I have Amrut Deshmukh – a Chartered Accountant by education and the founder of the “Booklet” app.
He is the first person in India who is on a mission to cultivate the habit of reading amongst the youth of India – Misson “Make India Read”. Every week he reads a bestselling book and prepares a twenty minutes book summary of it. He also records the summaries in his own voice and shares them through Booklet, a free app he developed. More than five lakh Indians are now part of his initiative.
“What a blessing it is to love books.” – Elizabeth von Arnim
Podcast Episode: Amrut Deshmukh – from a stock market guy to booklet guy

Amrut shared how the seed of Booklet Guy was sown in a casual conversation with his friend at a multiplex. That was when he realized his storytelling skills. He decided to use them to inspire a generation of non-readers to develop the healthy habit of reading. He also talked about how one can enjoy reading and the importance of books in Amrut’s life.
Highlights of the interview with Amrut Deshmukh:
- His first introduction to books
- Being an ex-charted accountant, what inspired him to make a shift in his career
- His thoughts about reading habits
- How taking reading casually can make it a wonderful experience
- Why it’s okay to leave a book in the middle and to move on to a new book
- Impact of books on Amrut Deshmukh’s personality
- How his book “7 Habits of Highly Effective Readers” came into existence
- Shared “Mission-Make India Read”
Few candid snippets from our conversation:

“I hated my birthday’s growing up as my brother would ask all my friends and family only to get me books and no other gifts. But, with time, books stimulated my imagination and transported me to a different world altogether.”
Amrut Deshmukh got introduced to the non-fiction category by his brother only after his class 10th. So the first book he went on to read was RICH DAD POOR DAD by Robert Kiyosaki.
“I was angry with my family for not teaching me the meaning of financial independence early on.”
I am sure you will enjoy our conversation and can get some glimpses of Amrut’s storytelling skills in this interview.

To check out previous podcast episodes please check out Baton Baton Mein Podcast.
Previous interviews:
Shashank Udapurkar Part 1, Shashank Udapurkar part 2
Wow I really loved this noble initiative start by Amrit . Indeed reading is an amazing activity that offers lots of benefits for overall personality development. His app and mission is unique and we need more people like him to spread this awareness all across the world.
Yes Surbhi.
Reading as a therapy and we should enjoy it, I loved his interview and the way he took up his life by not getting demotivated is really commendable.
Absolutely Ruchi.
Interesting article and interview. This is the first time I heard about Amrut and this inspired me on how to teach my daughters how to read books. They are now 6 and 7 and getting tired of children’s books but without knowing how to comprehend much yet, books without pictures still brings them boredom. I’ll try to adapt that quote “Don’t take reading too seriously. When something is important to you, don’t make it special. Make it casual because habits are casual”. And this is the most important part, making it a habit.
I am glad that you found it useful. I have seen, when we enjoy reading then our mind accept it better.
Hi Alpana I loved the conversation it was quite interesting one . The app sounds promising. I am also a reader but the kind who enjoy and go with a flow , if story telling is interesting then get hooked and finish a book 📕 in a hour or else if it’s not exiting then take ages to finish even half .
Same here Hema. I am glad you liked the conversation.
Reading a book and then coming with synopsis for people so that it compels them to be a reader is a great task. Amrut is surely making waves being Booklet Guy, shall check the podcast soon.
Yes. When I heard of Amrut, I was also very impressed.
reading is therapeutic and should actually be enjoyed effortlessly. Something that I am trying to make my daughter understand. I loved the conversation.
Thanks Parul.
Hi Alpana it is so good to know about Amrut and listen to his intentions. I need to admit I loved your blog but your podcast has my heart, I plug in it always during my walks
aww..thanks a lot Roma.
What a brilliant way to nurture the habit of reading in people. I will surely check out his app and would love to learn a thing or two. Thank you for bringing such personalities to your podcasts and introducing them to us.
I am glad Kavita
Very nice information. I loved the conversation it was interesting about 10 thoughts on “Amrut Deshmukh – from a stock market guy to booklet guy”. Reading the books and the kind whose enjoy. Thanks for sharing
Amrut is such a large-hearted and thoughtful guy! Kudos to him for thinking of this noble initiate and investing time in it, to help others. Thank you for introducing us to Amrut, Alpana.
I am glad you found it interesting.
Your voice Alpana. It is a luxury to listen to it . The interview is crystal clear and caller voice bhi bohot clear. I loved how he is sharing his reading journey.
It will be interesting to know about Amrut Deshmukh. Honestly, I didn’t know about this app for stories and book reading.
When I came across his profile, I was also very impressed.
Thanks for bringing this topic. We need to understand the basic magic of money. And if we should convey this to our next generation in their early age..a financial literacy can change our life entirely..I am pleased to say, many of his suggested books I read too..loved this
Thats wodnerful.
I loved his interview . Reading is the good habit.
His app and mission is unique. Great thoughts.
I loved the podcast. It was surely a super interesting conversation with Amrut Deshmukh. I am surelyt gonna grab a copy of his latest book
Thanks Hema.