What to do when an invitation says “No gifts please”?

Your kid is invited to a birthday party and the invitation says “no gifts please. Only the presence of your company is requested.” Now you are in a dilemma. You want to obey the parent’s wish but at the same time you don’t want to be in an awkward state. What can you do then? Here is what I feel about it.


What to do when an invitation says “No gifts please”?


First of all,

  • Respect their wishes: When a birthday party invitation asks for no gifts, it really does mean no gifts. We think its just for the sake of saying but no. Most parents are not trying to sugar coat anything.


  • Food platter: Call and check if you can bring some sort of fruit/veggie platter. This means you are contributing and helping offset the costs of the party in general and a way you can help without directly getting the child anything. If you know the family pretty well then you can take some dish according to their menu.


  • Something handmade: Candles, cards, painting. You can write a heartfelt note to the child that can be read in years to come. It doesn’t count as a gift, and it’s fine to bring. In fact, it’s a really nice thing to do. However, don’t slip a gift card in with the birthday card. Even if the amount id as less as $5, it is still a gift card.


  • Flowers or plants: Flowers and Plants are not considered as gift in most of the cases. They are the perfect token to take for may occasions.


  • Offer to help at the party: One of the best things we can all do at any party, whether the parent asked for no presents or not, is to be a helping hand. You can easily help decorate, cook food, clean up messes, and just be present at the party.


  • Book Swaps:  You can have each guest bring a favorite book, and at the party have the children exchange books with one another.  Each child will go home with a new book including the birthday child!


  • Bring in art supplies: Have each guest bring in a art supply such as paint brushes, crayons, paper, etc and donate it to a local children’s group.


“No gifts” kid birthday parties may be tricky to navigate. Since they’re becoming more popular we need to have some options handy. I hope I have given you few ideas. What do you do when you get an invitation which says “no gifts please”?



About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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