Anvi woke up quite early today. She was super excited for the event. Unlock your anticipations, give the best shot – this was going to be her mantra today. She wrote many books but this book made its way to international level award. Today she had to talk about her book. Anvi opened her laptop and gave a final read to the presentation. She got dressed up and stepped out of the hotel room. She has been waiting for this moment to happen. As she walked down and entered the hall, she saw her favorite authors, writers. She looked herself in the mirror (which was actually not a mirror but a painting) one more time, made sure her badge was perfectly visible and she said to herself “Anvi, don’t be nervous. You can do it. This is the moment to make your anticipations come true.”
After few hand shakes, the event started. Anvi was 5th in the list to talk about her book. She was all mesmerized with the talks of speakers. It was her turn now. But as she stood behind the podium, something happened. There was a pin drop silence. All eyes were on Anvi. But Anvi froze for a moment. She couldn’t recall what she had prepared. She closed her eyes. Everyone was waiting for her to start but to their surprise she closed her laptop, stepped away from the podium. And started talking,
“This is my first event of such a kind and at this big scale. I am excited; I am nervous but I am positive. To be honest, this is not what I have prepared. I decided to give my best shot and prepared a full fledged presentation. But I think what I am talking right now, is my best shot. Because I am speaking from the bottom of my heart.
I met this girl name Ria in the flight and I gave her many lessons about how we should decide what is right for us; we should be honest to ourselves etc. So, I will be honest to you all now. I came here with many anticipations. I was looking forward to meet my favorite authors, and setting up a platform to work with them in future but you saw what just happened there, right? (She pointed out to the podium). Once again, I realized no matter how much we plan, things may or may not go the way we want them. But we can turn the situation in our favor by taking the right step, and giving our best shot at that very moment. Because you are the CEO of your life.”
With this line, Anvi went back to the podium. She had a smile on her face. It was a pin drop silence. As she collected her laptop, she heard one clap, then few more and there she had it..her best shot…a standing ovation from all the speakers. Anvi’s anticipation came true with her best shot.

To read about Anvi , check out:
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