We often want to get back to our book reading routine, we want to start with a light read or maybe our favorite genre but which book to pick? That’s a big question. And that’s natural. With so many books in the market, how would we know which one matches our taste or likes? That’s when book reviews come in the picture. During the A2Z challenge, I came across many beautiful blogs. Writing 26 posts non-stop wasn’t a joke. I also participated in this challenge. You can read my 26 posts in musings category. A few of the bloggers later converted their 26 posts in an e-book format. I have already reviewed BollyTalkies by Archana Srivastava. Today, I am going to discuss three books. Each of them is from a different genre and category. It’s a blend of non-fiction, inspiration, and food. So, let’s begin with something light.

Title: Healthy Eating for Busy Moms by Surbhi Prapanna
Genre: Non-fiction
Pages: 60
Format: E-book
Download here: https://www.theblogchatter.com/download/healthy-eating-for-busy-moms-by-dr-surbhi-prapanna/
Blog: https://surbhiprapanna.com
About the book:
Women are often addressed as ‘Annapoorna’ – the goddess of food. But when Annapoorna herself is running out of option and needs some inspiration and ideas, then what? She starts to look for recipe books. “Healthy Eating for Busy Moms” is one such book which will give you plenty of ideas that you can prepare for yourself and your family. The cover page of this book is quite inviting. The bright and colorful bowl on the cover will make you look inside. Surbhi says “I had a similar story as most of the busy moms. After taking up the mommy role and hectic schedule, I also struggled with maintaining a healthy eating pattern. My purpose behind this book is to give handy recipes for (not just moms) everyone out there.”
This book is a collection of healthy, vegetarian recipes that can be made with readily available ingredients. Surbhi has also shared healthy eating tips, meal preparation ideas, and nutritional benefits of different cooking ingredients. I am sure you will find many go-to options for those busy weekdays or relaxed weekends.
Title: Dreams Decoded by Ujjwal Mishra
Genre: Non-Fiction
Pages: 69
Format: E-book
Download: https://www.theblogchatter.com/download/dreams-decoded-by-ujjwal-mishra/
Blog: https://mywordsmywisdom.com/
About the book:
Do you dream? I mean when sleeping. And if you do, you then do you remember it the next morning? I am very bad at remembering dreams. I hardly see any dream, and even if I do, I don’t remember it the following day.
Imagine that you are sleeping peacefully, and suddenly you see something and wake up sweating or sometimes even with a scream. Have you experienced anything of this sort? Or have you seen a baby in your dreams and when you share it with someone, they tell you that it’s an indication to start a family? Or when you see God in your dreams, you feel serene. Or if someone is chasing you; you blame the horror movie that you have watched before going to bed and decide not to watch any such film from now onwards. And yes..how can I miss this? Now when most of the 10th Grade students are waiting for their results, see yourself fail in the exam?
Well, if I have created an interest in you, then “Dreams Decoded-Understanding Dreams Better” is the book you should think of downloading. Not just these, but there are 26 types of dreams that Ujjwal has brilliantly decoded through her writing. The Language of the book is simple yet polished that anyone can read it at ease. In the first chapter, Ujjwal has described the type of dreams starting with commonly used terms like daydreaming and nightmare and later talking about other types as well like lucid dreams, prophetic dreams, recurring dreams, healing dreams, signal dreams and so on. You will be amazed to read the reason behind every dream that you must have seen to date. I hope you will enjoy this book as much as I did reading Ujjwal’s in-depth research and creative writing.
Book: You are a Blooming by Swarnali Nath
Genre: Non-fiction/Motivational
Pages: 88
Format: E-book
Download: https://www.theblogchatter.com/download/you-are-blooming-by-swarnali-nath/
Blog: https://thesaffronstoryteller.com and thelifeandlightblog
About the book:
Let’s start with the tagline of this book ‘A Journey to Rekindle the Lamp of Heart‘– how beautiful is that!! The book’s tone is so positive that you will feel that Swarnali has experienced every word she has written. She has understood the meaning of it. She has found the lamp of her heart. I will call this book a calling. It is a mirror to your inner-self. It will make you pause at regular intervals and think. Few of my favorite lines
“You are much more powerful than you think. You have the power to turn your scars into a glorious tale of life. The power to turn the hatred into the bloom of love. To turn your inner chaos into a melodious song of peace and silence. You can make wonders”.
“You should celebrate your own beauty absolutely in your own way. Celebrate life and celebrate yourself.”
The cover and the title of the book are capturing and lively. The bright yet soothing yellow flowers give you a fresh feel. Swarnali’s depth of thoughts and the way of presenting will take you into a journey that is full of positivity. The book celebrates the life and its beauty. It tells you the power of blessings and forgiveness.
I am sure that when we all are trying to understand the true meaning of our life, “You Are Blooming – A Journey to Rekindle the Lamp of Heart ” will bring a smile on your face and give answers to many of your questions.
This was my bouquet of three amazing books for you. You can pick any of these to start you reading routine.
Happy Reading!!