We have talked a lot about podcast, why podcast is awesome, how to start your channel, prep work before recording and how to create engaging content. Now let me take the liberty and talk about my channel.

MothersGurukul podcast is an extension of my blog MothersGurukul. I started it quite late. It won’t be wrong if I would say that I was convincing myself to start a podcast channel. And more than convincing, I wanted to make sure that I would be able to maintain continuity and interest. In any kind of audibles, the speaker needs to be able to keep the flow of thoughts going and to have confidence that the listeners would be able to gain something out of it. Unlike in-person talks, where we get to see the speakers, when you have only one way to connect with your listeners which is your content and how you deliver the content then readiness is very important.
I started with MothersGurukul podcast with random topics but then I felt that since I have almost above 60 posts written only on different areas of Parenting (almost close to 400 posts in total on the website) why not to start a series taking every milestone. Parenting is a beautiful journey with many ups and downs. At times, it looks like a complicated puzzle which we try to build but we don’t know how to fit pieces and other times, it surprises us how much we have changed. We make mistakes, we learn from them. We get scared thinking that what if we fall short of the care and presence which is expected from us. But wait…who are expecting these things from us? Our kids? No, they are not. They may sound demanding at times. We set these bars for ourselves. And those are the times when we need some other parent who is either sailing in the same boat or has already crossed that stage. We want to re-assure our choices and sometimes want valuable suggestions. Keeping all this into mind, decided to start a series where I can share my ideas, a few tips that have worked for me. And that’s how this new series “Parenting-One Step At A Time” came into the picture. Its been two months I have been recording for this series and I have published 14 episodes so far. Every week, I post one new episode. Sometimes, it gets a little late if something urgent comes in the middle. I started with Pregnancy, Parenthood, Infancy, Toddlerhood and now we are discussing Pre-school stage. If you think these topics interest you then please do subscribe to my channel. In the future, I am also planning to do “recording with a friend”.
I am enjoying podcasting to its fullest. I want to do a lot more, give some new dimensions to my channel. May be in coming future, I would be able to implement those ideas. Wish me luck and subscribe to my channel.
Happy Listening!!
I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.