How to Keep Your Child’s Mind Active – 5 ways to solve this problem

With summer break almost ended and a new school year already started, it’s important to keep your kids’ minds active before the fall. Keeping your kids busy can be quite the task but learning with your kids can be done in a fun way too! Pure Flix is here today with their expertise on learning as a family, so here are some ideas to keep your child’s mind active:


How To Keep You Child's Mind Active_ 5 ways to solve the problem

  • Book Club : While summer is a great time to enjoy the nice weather, there are bound to be rainy days (or just days where you need a break from the sun), so take some time to relax in the air conditioning. Have a family book club where you all curl up on the couch reading together. Here are some great kids book club picks for your family. If you want to read the same book, take time at the end of each chapter to discuss the plot and themes of the story. Your children are probably all at different reading levels, so if everyone is reading a different book, you can each share your favorite thing that happened in your book at the end of a day of reading.


  • Educational movies : A great way to spend a cool summer night to keep your kids’ minds moving is to watch educational homeschool movies with Pure Flix that can teach your kids about a variety of different topics. Watching a history documentary or a series of a science show will keep your kids interested and they’ll have fun at the same time! If you want to make sure they’re taking away the lessons from the movie, create a worksheet to go along with it for your kids to fill out while watching.


  • Play cards : Every kid loves to play a game of cards, so why not play a card game like War or Go Fish to get their minds moving? Your kids will love the friendly competition, and they’ll get to test out their math skills by comparing higher versus lower numbers to determine who wins each round. Card games that require math skills are the perfect way to exercise your children’s minds and keep them entertained. Playing a game is a fun way to learn without making your kids feel like they’re in summer school!


  • Volunteer : Teaching your kids doesn’t have to be limited to just the typical school subjects. A big part of raising your children and shaping their minds is teaching them the right morals so they can grow up to be kind and intelligent human beings. Bring your family to volunteer at a local charity or soup kitchen to instill important life lessons and illustrate the crucial significance to help out those in need.


  • Arts and crafts : A huge aspect of keeping your kids’ minds active during the summer is to get in touch with their creative side. As necessary as practicing math or brushing up on your history skills is, getting the creative juices flowing is just as important to keep your kids learning and excited about school. Try out these educational arts and crafts like making your own silly putty or a soda bottle greenhouse and have a day full of fun as a family! When your kids are done with their arts and crafts, display them all over the house like an art museum for everyone to take a look at!


These are all great ways to keep your kids’ minds moving! Make it a fun activity that everyone can do together, and your kids will enjoy learning and exercising their intelligence. What are your ideas for how to keep your child’s mind active? Comment down below!




About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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