Morning mantra: How to wake up feeling motivated every single morning

In  one of my instagram posts ,I mentioned this topic. And I got several responses on social media, phone calls, and comments saying that they want the secret of getting up early in the morning. Secret? Is there a secret? No. There is no secret behind what motivates me to get up fresh every morning. But still, it remains one of the most challenging tasks for many. 

How to wake up feeling motivated every single morning
Source, Edits: pixabay, canva

Before Covid hit us, we were in a perfect routine. Our routine was well-planned. But with online studies and work from home, our routine underwent many changes. There was no morning school or office rush. Our life was going at leisure. But when this situation wasn’t coming to an end, our so-called relaxed routine started to make us somewhat lazy. Many have experienced lethargy in their routine, work getting piled up as there is no deadline. Here I am talking about personal work. Many have joined online fitness classes and promised to continue practicing the exercises after the class duration is over. But something was lacking. It was the motivation to do it regularly. 

Talking about myself, then I have been getting up around 5:50 am for many years. And nothing changed during the pandemic, also when my kids were doing online learning. Yes, 5:50 am changed to 6:00 am but not later than that. Luckily, there wasn’t a lockdown here, so I could use the morning hours for my walks. And now, when school has opened here, I am back to my previous time. I would say this habit helped me in staying on track. 

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Let’s begin with something very simple

 Please don’t consider it a task. Because once you see it as a task, you start feeling the pressure. Make it casual, and you will see it will start coming naturally to you. Yes. You read that right. It will start coming naturally to you. For anything to come naturally to you, it should become a part of your routine. And to do it as a part of your routine, you need some reason to do that. Correct? Find that reason that will motivate you to put it into your habit

For example, when we have some travel plans, we don’t feel lazy in getting up early or even at dawn, or if any special event at our place, we get up early in the morning to do the preparations. How? Because we have something to look forward to. That something motivates us, pushes us to get up. We don’t need an alarm to wake us up. 

Now, keeping the same notion in mind, have something to look forward to. If you are a writer then, finishing up an incomplete article can be the motivation. Or if you want to start your fitness routine, going for a morning walk can be the motivation. It is just a matter of starting the first time, then do the same the next day, and continue doing it.  You won’t realize that you will be able to get up early with a fresh mind by the end of the week. 

You can also make some changes in the ambiance

Put your alarm clock across the room so you have to get up to turn it off.

Another thing that we neglect – staying up late

If you want to get up early then, you should go to bed on time. However, with online school and work from home, people are more likely to stay up late as there is no morning rush, which results in a late morning routine. 

It has a lot to do self-belief

Your struggle with rising early has a lot to do with self-belief? Convincing yourself that you’re “not a morning person” is a limiting belief.

Changing your self-belief subtly changes your behavior because self-belief is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Waking up early won’t be easy for your first couple of weeks. Your body needs time to adjust to this new routine.

How to wake up feeling motivated every single morning

Let’s start today,

  • Don’t stress out too much.
  • Make it casual.
  • Have something to motivate yourself.
  • Don’t stay up late.
  • Change your self-belief 

There is no secret mantra. Find a reason to welcome every morning and just start.


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

24 thoughts on “Morning mantra: How to wake up feeling motivated every single morning

  1. These are wonderful tips Alpana. yes, I had seen many feel have a struggle in getting up early in the morning. personally, I feel if you have a vision and pre-plan your day, then getting up early is no big deal. it is all about your willingness to give a fresh start to your day.

  2. This is what I have been following for months now. one thing that helped me is sleeping early and not getting distracted by social media has sorted out things for me. lovely post!

  3. Self motivation is something which I believe comes from within. If we wish to stay motivated and happy in life even in the worst situations of life…. no one can stop us from being happy go lucky

  4. Alpana I totally agree with you, we need to be self-motivated to stay positive and happy. Thanks for sharing such great and amazing tips!!

  5. Like you I too am a morning person and am self motivated to do so. I liked the examples you quoted Alpana to make us understand the relevance

  6. My habits have vastly changed when it comes to morning routine. I agree that instead of making it a task we must enjoy the experience. Keeping the alarm clock away certainly helps.

  7. So motivated article dear…get up early have so many benefits,for me I get more time to work properly. Your tips are so great.self motivation can lead everyday better.

  8. Waking up early has so many advantages and you feel charged throughout the day. But as you have mentioned, it is so neccessary to make up your mind to reap the benefits of waking up early.

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