Grief – live with it or not. It’s in your hands

If you remember when we started, we saw these 7 words backward and today, we have reached the last word in the list. All the other 6 posts were related to this last word “Grief”. The moment we hear this word, the first feeling or emotion that come to our mind is sorrow or a not so pleasant mental state.

grief-to live with it or not.


We know life is unpredictable. It is filled with many happy moments which we all want to cherish forever but this unpredictability makes us encounter something that we have never thought bout, never dreamt of. And when the feeling; that moment so strong and powerful that it erases all the happiness. Nothing can justify our loss, our sorrow. Even if we feel that with this one incident, our life comes to a full stop but the truth is life never stops. It has to move on because Jeena isi ka naam hai (that’s what life is all about).


So, what we can do to not let our life slip out of our hands even under the bad days? No one is saying that it’s easy. But we cannot be submerged in the ocean of grief forever. We have to make a new start. Sometimes, it’s for our kids, sometimes it’s for people around us and more important, it’s for ourselves.


Give yourself time to come out of the state: there is no quick fix. It may take time depending on the personality.

It’s okay to feel sad: The way we are allowed to celebrate happiness, the same way we are allowed to feel sad.

Express yourself: Sometimes, Grief can lead people into withdrawal symptoms. Taking to friends, family members always help.

Seek help from others or professional if needed.

Use your hobbies and passion.


But one should never take help of alcohol, drugs. It is not going to help you in handling grief. But it will definitely affect your health. Also, you should know when you have to seek help. When you are no able to cope up with it on a daily basis and it is creating tensions and instability for your family. When you are going through depression and anxiety. When your intense emotions aren’t reducing or improving.  All these conditions point out to seeking some help.


Grief is like the ocean. It comes in waves, ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim. And this concludes the journey of the 7 powerful words.


‘I’m Writing Bravely for the Write Tribe Festival of Words – March 2019’

One word prompt: Grief

write tribe festival of words


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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