Co-Sleeping: Pros and Cons of Co-Sleeping

Co-sleeping also called bed-sharing is a practice in which kids share the bed with their parents. Co-sleeping is quite common than we think but it is one of the controversial topics in parenting.

When we entered the parenthood journey for the first time, we have been strictly told by our child’s pediatrician that we should not be doing co-sleeping. It was because of the several dangers that are associated with co-sleeping. However, parents have mixed opinions about this topic. Those who co-sleep found it easy and convenient both from the child and their perspective as the already exhausted parents need not have to get up every now and then to calm down their baby and also because the baby sleeps peacefully in the warmth of his/her parents. On the other hand, parents who follow no co-sleeping rule are ready to figure out a way of taking turns when the baby wakes up.




Co-sleeping also refers to sharing the same room but letting the baby sleep in his/her own bed. We have followed this method with our daughter till she turned 4 and now doing it with our son. After our daughter turned four, she started sleeping in her own room. We will be following the same with our son too. I feel, occasionally, when the baby is sick and needs your warmth then there is no harm in giving a break to the no co-sleeping rule. That’s why I feel, whether to co-sleep or not is a personal choice of any parent. Whatever works for them should be their choice. Let’s see the positive and negative sides associated with co-sleeping

Benefits of Co-Sleeping

  • Co-sleeping boost baby’s development: When the baby is in your room, it helps in their sense development. They know when you are in the room. They get used to sound, smell, movement, touches, heat.


  • It’s a win-win for both the child and the parent: New mom/parent is exhausted, and they want undivided sleep which is tough to get especially during the initial months. In that time, if the baby is co-sleeping then the mommy finds it convenient to catch up on some power naps with the baby. Compared to getting out of bed and going in the other room, feeding and then again get back to sleep afterward is tough if your baby is within an arm reach. New moms often find it easy to feed them.


  • It’s a bonding time: When the baby is sleeping with the parent, they feel safe and cozy. The warmth of the skin makes the baby feel secure. Mommy can sing lullabies in her soft voice and the baby falls asleep quickly. But she should make sure that the baby is not too snuggled up. Bonding time can also happen when the baby’s crib is close to your bed.


  • Better sleeping pattern: Some parents complain about their baby being a light sleeper. They try co-sleeping and it works for them. Since the baby is close to the parent, they sleep much better. The placing of a baby in a crib next to the bed, or even in the same bed, can reduce the baby’s anxiety which in turn will lead to a better quality of sleep and less disruptive sleep patterns. If they can hear you in the same room, they may well stir but go back to sleep on their own after a time.


  • Faster postpartum recovery: Giving birth is a life-changing experience. When the new mom is trying to figure out many things while going through the postpartum phase, cranky baby at night becomes even more challenging. If you have gone through a tough delivery or a c-section then getting up from bed every time your baby cries is difficult as your body and pain won’t allow you to do that. By having your baby near your bed will let you limit your activity and movements.


  • Controls prolonged crying: Since you are able to hear your baby and soothe him/her before the slight discomfort turns into a loud crying, you are able to control the prolonged crying.


  • It’s not always dangerous: If you put your baby’s crib in your room next to your bed, then that’s not wrong. By placing the crib in your room, you are solving both the purpose of co-sleeping and also eliminating the danger of SIDS. This will help both of you to sleep better.


Downsides of Co-Sleeping Let’s begin where we ended the positives.

  • It could be dangerous: Yes, earlier I said, it is not always dangerous. That was when your baby is sleeping on a separate bed but sharing your room. Now, if you are making your baby sleep next to you then yes, it could be dangerous. While you are in deep sleep you are not aware of your surroundings. Your hand could go close to your baby’s face that might cause suffocation.


  • Baby might feel overheat: I know it feels good to snuggle but a baby can overheat easily and overheat is one of the risks of SIDS. Newborn has to stay at an even temperature through the night. Our body heat can make them even hotter.


  • The transition would be tough later: I have friends who had a tough time transitioning their kids to independent sleeping. Kids get used to of co-sleeping, it becomes hard for the parents to transfer them to independent sleeping habit later. They become so used to of sleeping with their parents that it is hard to convince them to sleep on their own.


  • Kids feel insecure: Around 6-8 months, babies start understanding the presence of their family members. They start to understand something called “object permanence” which means they know the existence of people around them even when they are not there. This includes mom -dad. When they co-sleep and if they do not find their mom or dad next to them, they burst in tears. They feel insecure.


While there is an increasing shift towards the family bed, the ultimate decision should rest on you – the parent. This should clearly be your personal decision because each family’s case is different. Whatever might work for one family may not necessarily suit another family.


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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