Can you believe – its August already? More than half of 2019 has gone by. So far, August has been a full-filling month for me. I successfully completed whatever I have planned for this month. And I am happy that still, I have half of the month left for doing much more.
It feels like yesterday when I co-hosted my first Blog Hop New Year Blog Train. In one of my 2019 posts – “Quick recap of 2018 and saying Hi to 2019”, I mentioned my desire to do podcasts more actively and starting my second book. I am happy that I was able to keep up with both of these wishes along with few other wishes as well. So, are you ready to know why and how August was special to me (so far)? Read on….

Podcast is not a new term anymore. Many of us listen to it and once we start listening, it’s hard to stop. Those who are already into it will agree with me. Because it is that convenient. You can listen to your favorite topics from anywhere, at your convenience. Ever since I have started listening to podcasts, I have made a habit of listening to at least one episode of my favorite subject before going to bed.
Now let me tell you what I like about recording for my own channel and what all have I done so far in my podcast channel – MothersGurukul Podcast. This is my first special moment from August musings. So, after writing, public speaking is my second favorite area. Whether it is talking on the microphone or addressing a crowd in person, I love any form of public speaking. I feel podcast has given me a new dimension which compliments my writing/blogging. I started a new series on MothersGurukul Podcast – “Parenting: One step at a time” and I was able to maintain the continuity of publishing one new episode every week. We are on the 11thepisode of our series. Do check it out. By the way, I didn’t realize but I have 30 episodes already on my channel. Yesterday, when one of my co-bloggers subscribed to my channel, she said: “wow, these 30 episodes are yours?!”. Frankly speaking, I never counted but it felt good to know the number.
The Second wish from my 2019 wish-list was starting my second book. So, yes, I am halfway through that as well. Sorry, I can’t talk more about it right now. You will have to wait for the details. I have self-published my first book – “A Girl In The New Town” last year. It’s a children’s book. You can find it on Amazon. Kindle version & Paper back (for US residents). For India – Kindle version.
Now, coming to something that is special to me. I conducted two workshops/interactive sessions at our local public library. The topics that I have covered were Session 1: Beating the Expat Blues. Session 2: Making money from your hobbies. You can find more about these two sessions in my Instagram feeds and IGTV. Both these sessions were from Women Empowerment and Motivational angle. And I was so happy when a few women from the audience came to me after the session was over and said, “we felt great. You inspired us. We felt moved and uplifted. We are going to try now. You are right, we should take the first step. Even if we fail, but at least we will not have the guilt of not trying it at all.” Listening to their words meant so much to me. I would say, they motivated me to do more of such talks. They gave me a certificate of accomplishment and recognition.
Ohh..yes, one more thing. I started Hindi Language classes at home and I was happy to see my students trying their best to communicate in Hindi. They were pretty fast in grasping. We moved from common words to talking full sentences in a conversational style within a period of one month. I will call it their achievement rather than mine.
Well, these were some moments on the professional level. Now, on a personal level, my daughter will be starting Middle school. Here, 6thto 8thGrade s considered as Middle School. It’s a new school, new environment. She is in her tweens so you can imagine what emotional roller-coasters must be going on at my place these days. On the other hand, my little one is 3. He is a big boy now (at least he acts like one). Sometimes he surprises me with his advanced Marathi Vocabulary. And he takes pride in using those words wherever he can (even if the whole sentence sounds confusing in the end to us).
My August was filled with these big and small moments. I feel, such moments make our day-to-day life interesting and they also break the monotony. What are some of the moments that you would like to share?
Word Prompt: August (Why and How August was Special to me?)
This post is a part of #weeklybloghop hosted by me and Neha Sharma from Follow hashtags- #GWNxMG #weeklybloghop #bloghop to read posts from the participants.