9 Ways Traveling Can Improve Your Health and Happiness

The planet we live in is enormous, diverse and beautiful. While we all love our little space in the world, exploring different corners of the earth is something most of us dream of doing. Recent research has shown that travel not only helps humans to see new places and enjoy new experiences but also boosts their overall well-being. Be it hiking on the Grand Canyon of USA, going on a desert safari Dubai, sightseeing in Paris, shopping in the street markets of Bangkok, scuba diving in the beautiful waters of Phi Phi Islands, relaxing in the pristine beaches of French Polynesia, or admiring the beauty of the landscapes of New Zealand, it is true that traveling can truly improve one’s health and bring in more happiness.

9 Ways Travel Can Improve Your Health and Happiness
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Reenergizes Mind and Body

The first and basic advantage of going on a holiday is reenergizing your mind and body. Daily routine with house chores and work can make life monotonous. Going on a holiday helps you break the monotony. As you do not need to stress about the daily necessities of life, you give your body and mind the chance to take a break. You get to sleep well, and there is no rushing around to get things done. In other words, you get to rest, relax and rejuvenate.

Boosts Your Mood

While visiting a different place and exploring it is a fun experience, the idea of a holiday in itself puts you in a good mood. Right from choosing a place to visit to figuring out all the necessary details, everything about planning a holiday is quite exciting. In short, a holiday improves your mood weeks, and even months, before your vacation begins. The anticipation of going on a holiday keeps you on a high.

Decreases Chance of Depression

The everyday stresses of life, both big and small, can accumulate and lead a person to depression. However, when you travel, you are exposed to more sunlight, physical exercises and other pleasurable expressions, ensuring an increase in serotonin levels. Hence, it is believed that going on regular holidays can decrease the risk of depression in people.

Gain Profound Life Experiences

Traveling gives you such deep life experiences that no materialistic gains can. You may be excited about a new car or a house but the happiness comes with an expiry date. But it is not the same with traveling. When you travel to new places, you get to learn about new cultures, meet new people and know about different perspectives as well. These experiences would always stay with you, making your life more enriching.

Increase Self Confidence

Traveling, especially on your own, can boost your self-confidence like nothing else. It may be a bit scary to leave the known to venture into the unknown. However, with every step and experience, you would find your confidence building. You learn to manage things and handle situations on your own, which would definitely boost your sense of self.

Develops Healthy Heart

It is a known fact that being active is the key to a healthy heart. While we may be stuck at our desk job throughout the year, a holiday makes it necessary to move around more. Even if you are on a relaxing holiday, you are likely to move around more than usual. And this eventually reduces your chance of developing coronary heart diseases.

Strengthens Relationships

Traveling with family and friends is a great way of strengthening relationships. You not only get to spend quality time with your loved ones but also get to try new things and share some special moments, which eventually help in deepening your bond. On the other hand, if you are traveling alone, you are likely to miss your family and make an extra effort to keep in touch through phone and video calls. So, whatever is your preferred style of traveling, you are likely to come out with stronger relationships.

Improves Immunity

One of the major advantages of traveling is how it improves your immunity. While traveling to new places, you are exposed to climate, food and living conditions that are different from your own country. While your body may react negatively to these new situations and bacteria in the beginning, it would develop more antibodies, giving you a stronger and healthier immunity, which can withstand all kinds of hardships.

Live Longer

As traveling provides so many health benefits like decreasing stress, strengthening the heart, improving immunity and preventing depression, it is highly likely that you would live a healthy and long life. This is probably one of the best advantages of traveling extensively during your life.

9 Ways Travel Can Improve Your Health and Happiness
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It is clear that traveling has several benefits to our mental and physical health and overall happiness as well. With remote working becoming more popular, many people travel around the world while continuing with their regular jobs. This unique arrangement has brought forth a major shift in quality of life.

Author’s Bio

Kajal is a writer by profession and a dreamer by passion. When not writing, she is either reading or dreaming about her next trip. She has an engineering degree but believes that writing books is what she was born for.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla, and generously SPONSORED BY Bugshield Clothing – Enjoy Outdoors More!


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

26 thoughts on “9 Ways Traveling Can Improve Your Health and Happiness

  1. Wow kajal.. Wonderful post. I agree with all the pointers and yes traveling is something I am missing big time. Traveling definitely has lots of benefits and you have not missed even one.

  2. Bang on post, Alpana. Especially for me as i live alone. I am at my happiest when I am travelling. It does brighten my mood and gets rid of all depression. I really feel re energized and rejuvenated. looking forward to my next holiday already. Right now I am feeling down in the dumps.

  3. After having read ur article the want to travel has gone up multiple folds 🙂 ever since the pandemic travel has been only in memories but hoping things get better soon !! Time for bond strengthening is essential 😉

  4. Traveling is something that I can’t live without. Me and my family never miss a chance to travel places or visit nearby locations. I completely agree with the benefits of travel mentioned here.

  5. Absolutely agree with you . Travelling has many advantages including mental happiness and health . We love going to one trip a year which totally relax us except this last year .

  6. This has been even my observation in past 5 Years of being married. It takes down stress from a relationship. It creates a stronger bond and gives mental peace.

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