How many times have we blamed ourselves for any wrong that is happening or has happened in our lives? We think that the problem is in us. But the problem is not in us. It’s about how we approach any situation. Actual progress will come from small steps, small commitments you make daily. These are called the micro habits. Even if they are addressed as micro, their effect is long-lasting and magical. The trick to getting a habit to stick is by starting small and starting now.
If you are ready to improve your life, here are a handful of micro habits to try,
- No day zero
- Replace sorry with thank you
- Find simple moments to thank you each day
- Look at stress in a positive way
- Learn to respond , not react
- Meditation

Related article: 7 ways to invest in yourself
No day zero
In dieting, there is a cheat day, when we can eat without thinking about calories. Consider day zero day as one such day when you relax. Day zero is taking a break after a tiring week. But that’s what I am asking you to change. If you want to take it lightly for one day, then you can reduce the to-do list, but please remember, we are not skipping it. For example, instead of 30 minutes workout, do it for 15 minutes. One of Dale Carnegie’s quotes says, “Inaction breeds doubt and fear; action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy.“
If you keep postponing your work, it will only engage your monkey mind to create many stories. But if you will not stop and keep achieving your daily goals, then you will nurture confidence and courage.
Replace sorry with thank you
Since childhood, we have been taught to be humble and polite. We have also heard that there is no harm in saying sorry if it can calm the situation. But did you realize when we say sorry for every small thing, that becomes our second nature. Instead, sorry should be replaced by thank you. For example, if you arrive late at someplace. We usually say, “Sorry, I am late.” How about saying, “Thank you for waiting.” Or if you made a mistake, it is good to apologize, but try saying, “Thank you for being patient with me.” Did you notice the tone? By saying thank you, your focus shifts from self-pity to other person’s qualities. And it also sounds more positive. You will not be someone who always makes excuses. People will like your company.
Find simple moments to thank you each day
Our mind is always looking for big moments that we do not cherish, the simple things or moments that also contribute to making one whole day. Have you ever given a pat on your back for making a perfect cup of coffee? Or finishing up your to-do list or not breaking your exercise habit, no matter your packed schedule? This simple-sounding habit can make a big difference in your day. Small improvements often lead to the biggest changes. It will bring happiness and will teach you self-love.
Look at stress in a positive way
Stress creates tension and anxiety for most of us. It comes with stress, exam pressure, job interviews, or achieving a target. But there can be an upside to stress. It motivates you to succeed, and it can boost your brain power. When trying something new, don’t focus on the stress but think you are learning something new.
Learn to respond, not react
Every action has a reaction. We all have heard that, and we practice it all the time. Sometimes, an instant response is needed, making us or others feel good. Obviously, here I am talking about compliments we receive from others or give others. But when something goes against your expectations, don’t immediately react. Take a pause. It doesn’t seem very easy when we are full of thoughts that we want to vent. But our words may hurt others. We don’t mean to say such things. We can recollect our thoughts and convey them more calmly by taking time to respond. It applies to every relationship. So understand the difference between reaction and response. And learn to respond, not react. Try it.
Meditation always holds a crucial role when we talk about micro habits. A simple ritual of connecting with yourself can take you one step closer to happiness, clarity, and contentment. I understand that achieving that state of mind takes work. So be patient and practice every day. Give yourself time to enjoy this new habit and let your mind and soul soak in all the goodness and peace in your life.
Micro habits are tiny, everyday habits that steer you toward big results. Because they are small and not time-consuming, they are easy to incorporate into your life. Get started on these productive habits today and notice how they keep you motivated over time.
Such great pointers. But the one that I’d like to pick is number 5! Learning to respond instead of reacting is a game-changer in communication. Taking that moment to collect our thoughts ensures we express ourselves more thoughtfully and avoid unnecessary conflict. It’s a skill worth mastering for healthier relationships and personal growth. Thanks for the reminder, Alpana!
We rush in saying our thoughts but yes, it can be a game changer if we pause and then say it.