6 practical tips to beat procrastination and be more productive

What do you think a procrastinator will say “Why do I procrastinate so much?” or “why do I keep procrastinating even though I know that it’s bad for me?”. These are essential questions to know why you procrastinate and if you want to figure out how to stop doing it.

6 practical tips to beat procrastination and be more productive
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As per my knowledge, observations, and additional readings, the common reasons for procrastination are:


This is the most common reason. Sometimes or should I say, most of the time, we don’t want to do it without any specific reason. We know the urgency, but our mind feels lazy. We don’t find the motivation or the zeal to do it. 

Lack of energy:

Sometimes, our schedule is hectic, and we are not at our 100% energy level. Our body and mind both are so tired that we want to let it be there as it is. 

Abstract or unrealistic goals:

Thinking big is good, but we should also know our restrictions, capabilities, and priorities. Setting such goals, which we know are not possible at a particular time, will lead to procrastination. 

A disconnect from our future self: 

Thinking that our present-self shouldn’t have to bother with getting things done now if our future self will be the one who reaps the rewards of our actions.

6 practical tips to beat procrastination and be more productive
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The task isn’t important: 

We feel that the task does not require our immediate attention. But by looking at the bigger picture, we can save ourselves from procrastination. 


Feeling overwhelmed due to factors like a large number of tasks, difficulty level, limited time in hand.

Indecisiveness about how to start or what comes next: 

We feel overwhelmed, confused, and jumbled up. We are not sure how the future will be. There are many options/choices in front of us and we struggle to decide from where to start or what will be the result of our course of action. In such cases, we tend to delay our actions.


Would I be able to do it? Am I suitable for this? What if I make mistakes? This takes us to the next point. 


Being afraid of making a mistake that they end up not taking any action at all. We blow off our projects, convinced there’s no way we can meet the standards we set for ourselves. 

Fear of evaluation or negative feedback from others:

As we grow old, we become fearful about an evaluation or negative feedback from others. We want to portray ourselves as perfect or at least someone whose life is sorted. We wait for the right time to start something because we feel that this wait is preparing us. But sometimes, it is procrastination that we name as waiting time. 

To successfully deal with your procrastination, you need to figure out why you procrastinate and how your procrastination is preventing you from achieving your goals so that you can formulate a concrete plan of action.

Let’s jump into how to stop procrastinating and increase your productivity.

These are the six-pointers or steps you can practice to limit procrastination.

Set your goals: 

Knowing where we want to go can make the journey slightly simple. The experiences that will come along the way are different, but we know which direction we are heading. Along with knowing our goals, we should make sure that the goals should be realistic, achievable. In short, they should be SMART goals

S: Specific

M: Measurable

A: Achievable

R: Realistic

T: Time-bound: Without time, it is just a dream.

Know the exact reason behind procrastination: 

There is a reason for every behavior. We don’t do anything by chance. So, look for the reason why you are delaying? If you are interested in gauging your procrastination, take this simple quiz. https://www.verywellmind.com/quiz-are-you-a-procrastinator-2795418

Create a plan of action: 

Once you have your goal in place, and you also know why you have been procrastinating, now is the time to chalk out a plan. See how you can chunk it down and break it into small parts so that you would be able to concentrate on one part at a time. But remember one thing, don’t spend too much time planning. 

Implement the plan and commit to it:

Many of us plan a lot, but when it comes to implementing it, all or some of the reasons for procrastination starts showing its presence. You have to overcome it. It may start slow, but once you start seeing the results, I am sure you will not stop. But for that, you will have to be sincere with your efforts.

Commitment is the key to any beginning. Unless you are 100% committed to your actions, you will not be able to see the results. 

Detach performance and self-worth

Always remember the crucial difference between who you are and what you achieve. There’s so much more to your worth than your accomplishments.

Now, let’s break it down further down.

 Here are the pointers that I follow.

•           Prioritize tasks based on how important they are.

•           Break large and overwhelming tasks into small and achievable pieces.

•           Get started on tasks by committing to only work on them and not getting distracted by anything.

•           Remove distractions from your work environment. I never keep my phone with me when I am working.

•           Identify when you’re most and least productive, and schedule your tasks accordingly. To me, it’s early morning hours and afternoon hours. 

•           Create a daily goal and set deadlines for yourself. 

•           Reward yourself when you successfully implement your plan of action.

•           Focus on your goals instead of on the tasks that you have to complete.

•           Visualize your future. Visualizing your future not only gives you positive energy but also gives you an idea if your efforts are going in the right direction or not. 

•           Avoid a perfectionist mindset by accepting that your work will have some flaws.

•           Develop a belief in your ability to overcome your procrastination.

If you want to start a new habit and want to be consistent, try this “The Seinfeld Method. It’s the technique that Seinfeld used himself to consistently produce new material for his comedy act and tv show year after year. 

Here’s how Seinfeld himself described it:

“Get a big wall calendar that has a whole year on one page and hang it on a prominent wall. The next step was to get a big red magic marker. For each day that I do my task of writing, I get to put a big red X over that day. “After a few days you’ll have a chain. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You’ll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. Your only job next is to not break the chain.”

“Don’t break the chain,” he said again for emphasis.”

6 practical tips to beat procrastination and be more productive
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Just by visualizing this technique, it seems as it will work. It is all about forming a habit and adapting it. Whether it be starting a fitness routine or promising ourselves for self-care, or starting up a new habit or a new routine, all it needs is to stay on track and fulfill the promise we have made to ourselves.  

I am a part of the women supporting women community #WSWBlogHop and I truly believe that we should support, empower each other and grow together.


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

32 thoughts on “6 practical tips to beat procrastination and be more productive

  1. Wow Alpana, I had never given so much thought to reasons for procrastination but your points make a lot of sense. The Seinfeld method seems doable and I must try and implement it for certain aspects of my life.

    1. Noor, sometimes, we don’t pay much attention towards the reasons behind a certain behavior. But thats where we should start. I also liked the Seinfeld method.

  2. What a lovely post Alpana. At first I really liked to know the reasons behind the word procrastination. Frankly speaking, I never procrastinate. I always keep a fixed plan of my upcoming works and do them accordingly. But it always good to be prepared. Your special post helped me a lot. I will read the pointers again and again. They’re very motivating for all of us. Lovely post. 🙂

  3. I have been guilty of procrastinating for all the above reasons you have mentioned. As a mother of two, I do get overwhelmed at times or lack energy. But I have started making SMART goals for myself. I like your suggestion of breaking large tasks into small chunks. I will try and apply this in my life. Thanks for sharing.

  4. This is such an enlightening post, Alpana! Everyone goes through this phase for some or the other reason as you have rightly pointed out here. I mostly keep dwindling between self-doubt and laziness :-). Would definitely implement your inspiring tips to overcome procrastination in the future. Lovely writeup.

  5. This is so nicely written Alpana. Easy for me to understand and sounds so doable. Excited to attend the masterclass and try to implement few things for me. I think I am unable to categorize my tasks well and that causes a lot of confusion.

  6. I so agree and i do procrastination a lot .I sometimes feel overwhelmed, confused, and jumbled up. Totally agree with all your pointers and I would definitely work upon that .

  7. Wow.. Such an insightful post. I was about to write my next post on this.. Should I?… You have explained it is beautifully. Yiu know Stephen covey rightly said eat the ugliest frog first , priorities your task finish something which is important and crucial.. That will help you to achieve what you desire.

    1. Sure Swati. Go ahead We can link back if you want. Procrastination is one such area which we all struggle at some point. Yes, finishing what is important and then moving on to less important tasks will help in finishing the whole thing.

  8. I know of so many people who really need these tips Alpana…I personally cannot stand lazy people or those who procrastinate, I am going to share this blog with a few who really need it.

  9. We all procrastinate at some point of time in our life, the point is when and how to come out of it. These are some great valuable tips which everyone should read and follow. Love the relatable tips.

  10. This is a perfect blog That I came across on Sunday to start the Monday right.There are so many things that I am going to adapt in the coming week and the 1st one to do is kick off laziness

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