Let’s talk about boundaries today. Boundaries show where one thing ends, and another begins. They are the limits that you put in place to protect your well-being. They can be internal and external. Internal boundaries are those which we make for ourselves. And external boundaries are those which we make for others. It also deals with our private and public image. Lately, there have been several talks around mental health. Boundaries play a crucial role in our mental health. Let’s take this as a base for understanding this concept. And why do we need them in the first place?
Related article: 9 ways I keep my sanity intact when everything is going wrong

External Boundaries:
It is about how we want the outside world to treat us. I am a firm believer that we teach others how to treat us. We give them reasons to talk to us, behave with us, treat us in a certain way. The image we create for them, they respond accordingly.
Many times, two good friends experience differences in their friendship. Why? Because they unknowingly cross that line between private and public life. If we let people enter into our lives, then it’s not their fault. If we give them an impression that it’s okay to talk to us in whichever way they want, we should not complain about it later. Not everyone has the maturity. In NLP, I learned the term “Placater”. These type of people wants to agree with everybody. They want to fit in or please everyone. Now, if someone gives the impression that they are okay with everything, they are most likely to be taken for granted.
On the contrary, if they stand for themselves, give their opinion when needed, and maintain a balanced approach, why would anyone take them for granted?
No wonder they say the first impression is the last. If our first impression has a long-lasting effect on someone, it is better to take it seriously.
Internal Boundaries:
How many times have you checked your phone notification while reading this post? If not, then great. That’s how it should be. But if yes, then that’s where internal boundaries come into the picture. Internal boundaries are those restrictions that we put on ourselves to control our habits or functioning. A simple example of this is being disciplined or not using social media during work hours.
Sleeping on time is something we all wish for. Right? But how many times, you get into binge-watching. You promise yourself to get back on track from the next day, but again the same routine follows. Furthermore, a lack of that inner control comes into the picture.
Related article: Dr. Sudha Tallavajhula discussing sleep disorders & tips for a good sleep
Procrastination is another area which many of us want to work on. Work keeps piling up, and we are not able to control our habit of procrastination. But if we set a boundary for ourselves that I have to finish this work today then we are more likely to do it because it will make us feel happy?
Related article: 6 practical tips to beat procrastination and be more productive
Not able to say “no”: Saying yes to everything can become the main reason behind others taking us for granted. If we don’t have internal boundaries and keep saying “yes” to everything, how can we define our external boundaries? One cannot do anything to us without our permission. We should set an internal boundary of saying a clear and firm no if we are not convinced with the act.

Why do we need boundaries
Whether it be internal or external, boundaries are for our good. Once we define the internal boundaries, then only we can expect desired results from external boundaries. To simplify- if we want respect from others, first we have to respect ourselves. Then only people will respect us. When we let others treat us the way they want, we are compromising with internal boundaries. To establish effective personal boundaries, you have to know yourself, communicate your boundaries to others, and follow through with the consequences. We will talk about types of boundaries how to define them in the next post.
Yes agree with you completely. Maintaining a balance and keeping ourselves within boundaries is really essential to bring a set of discipline in our routine life. Saying yes to everything is one of the common mistake that most women make. And yes sleep on time is another thing that is essential to start new day with proper routine. Looking forward to next post. The topic sounds interesting to me.
Yes Surbhi. We need boundaries in order to have a balanced life. Will be publishing the second part soon.
Your post is food for thought, Alpana. Looking forward to reading Part 2. Boundaries are important, even in the closest relationships. I have no idea why most people get riled up about them.
Thanks Mayuri.
Wow Alpana . How beautifully you have spoken about boundaries without hurting anyone’s feelings. I totally agree with every point of yours.
Thanks Rakhi
Yes boundaries are always needed. Howsoever we want to embrace freedom, that should be confined to the lines and boundaries.
I totally agree with you, we need to set boundaries, sometimes for our happiness and peace of mind. Very well written , love the concept
Thanks Hema.
Boundaries are very vital in the life and I agree that if we set it we should follow it too as we set boundaries for our kids, we have to set it for self and for others too. And yes I did not check any notification while reading your post.
🙂 Thats great. you are on the right track then.
Absolutely agree with you here, setting up boundaries both internal and external is important especially in these times to keep sanity and lead a balanced life. for the same reason, most of the time my phone is silent or the notifications are off.
Thats great. same here. I have tuned off all the notifications on my phone.
Boundaries is one way to bring balance in our lives both mentally and emotionally. This is very insightful post to deal with it rightly
Thanks Bushra.
excellent article! And thought provoking! I ‘know’ that boundaries are important, however, at times it can get exhausting to ensure that they are in place and enforced. i am definitely going to reevaluate some of my own boundaries after reading this.
I am glad you liked it. Stay tuned for its second part.
I agree Alpana, that boundaries don’t bound us but let us know the thin line which we need to follow to stay happy and maintain a balanced life!!
What an interesting topic to write about. For the peace of our own minds, it is absolutely essential to have boundaries. A fine balance in our life a must 🙂
Setting boundaries essential for our sanity. stay tuned for the second part.