Why being selfish(sometimes) is a good, not bad thing?

Whenever we talk about inspirational topics, we also talk about the act of selflessness. We stress the need to help others selflessly and understand their feelings. And if you are a parent, I don’t have to explain further. As a parent, we think of our kids first. And if, in any circumstances, we think about our needs first, then sooner or later, we start feeling guilty about it. Well, we are not talking about our kids here. But even if we are, then also it’s okay to be selfish sometimes. To maintain our sanity, it is good to become selfish.  Now, the question is “why”? So let’s talk about that today.

Why Being selfish(sometimes) is a good, not bad thing?
Source, Edits: pixabay canva

If we place selflessness on a pedestal, then how can selfishness replace it? So, first, let’s be clear. We are not replacing one with another. Instead, we are trying to maintain our sanity.

I am sure you would agree that we often end up doing a few things we do not want to do. For example, we have to go to a place we don’t like to go, or we agree to things we don’t want to. But we are doing it to please our friends or to maintain our friendship with them. But, what about our happiness? We hardly think about it. And that’s where we make mistakes.

Why don’t we think about ourselves? Do we believe this to be a act of selfishness? May be yes, but what’s wrong with that? Is becoming a personal favorite wrong?  The answer is not. Self-love is crucial for healthy living. Doing what we like, and taking care of our likes and dislikes is a sign of self-love.

Related article: Self worth: Be your own kind of beautiful

It will soon become a burden if we constantly think about others. And it will not only make us mentally drained but emotionally and physically. We all have one point and level of tolerance, and once we reach there, we should understand that now we need to stop. We will find several occasions on a daily basis where we should remind ourselves to pause and take a break. A couple of them are:

Why Being selfish(sometimes) is a good, not bad thing?

If we haven’t spent quality time with ourselves, like a relaxing weekend or a couple of hours meant just for us. If this is true in your case, then stop right there.

None of us like loneliness, but sometimes, we don’t want to meet anyone. We want to be just by ourselves. Sometimes we feel so burnt out by the social pressure that we want to say no. And on such occasions, it is okay to say no. This is not going to make you selfish.

We all say that life is too short and that we should make the best of it. It is so true that whenever we find happiness, we should embrace it with both hands. For the proverbial phrase “When life gives us lemons, make lemonade out of it”, I say we need some alone time to think about how to use these lemons differently. When we look out of the box, a challenging situation seems like an opportunity. And for that, asking for some quiet time is okay.

Among these happy moments are our goals. While we move towards our goals, we often get tired but do not feel exhausted. This is because of the excitement and the post feeling waiting for us. During this process, if you need help from others, do not hesitate.

When we achieve our goals, they become our accomplishments. This is because we have reached a point where we have achieved what we have aimed for. And this calls for a celebration. You must have seen some people celebrate every small milestone or accomplishment. For some, it may seem a show-off, or some may say what’s so special in this? But that is their way of filling their life with happiness. And if celebrating own accomplishments is selfishness, then be it.

Why Being selfish(sometimes) is a good, not bad thing?

Ultimately, whatever makes us happy, and our life comfortable is what we should be worried about. So be a little bit greedy with your own needs. This will make the world around you a better place.

Related article: Greedy tip of the week


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

32 thoughts on “Why being selfish(sometimes) is a good, not bad thing?

  1. Being a little selfish is okay I think. In fact we all should be so. What is the harm in wanting what we want? While that may not sound like the most admirable trait, it’s actually not all bad as long as we don’t harm others.

  2. Being selfish is just putting your self before others
    And I don’t believe that is a bad thing self love is important but do not cross any line in which your selfishness may harm another individual

  3. Yes, it’s okay to be selfish. Because when you start thinking of yourself first, only then you can help others. Also we don’t need to think about others all the time. Great tips. The title just took my mind away.great article.

  4. Selfish I guess has associated much to negativity so most of the society perceive it be a bad thing. There’s a better way to saying it though, “saying no” or better yet, setting boundaries. By using this terms, you still get to exercise having what you think you want for yourself only without making others feel disrespected or have any ill feeling towards you.

  5. Can’t agree with you more, this is so relatable topic for me as a new parent, I so want to be selfish sometimes , thank you for this it made me smile that I’m not the only one who think this way.

  6. We mostly don’t know the difference between selfishness and self love. We have been condition to think that thinking for ourselves is selfish wherein the reality is that thinking only of ourselves is selfish.

  7. Yes self love and self care is must to serve others well. and sometimes it is perfectly fine to put ourselves first. if we serve others without thinking about ourselves, we will suffer from burnt out very soon.

  8. Selfishness can be wrong if it harms someone else while looking out for us. Else it is one of the most important things for sanity, like you said. If we don’t prioritise our happiness, who else will?

  9. Every small achievement should be celebrated if not in a big way but at least with family and to me its completely natural… If that is called selfishness then I embrace such selfishness with love. For me its a new way of self love

  10. I so much agree with you Alpana that we need to be selfish at some point of time, it’s not only good for ourselves but for those also who take your goodness for granted. Loved the article.

  11. I am so with you on the topic and yes feel there is nothing wrong with being selfish too. It is the first step to self-love and care. if we our not happy ourselves we cant be happy for others Its like pouring from an empty cup as they say. Loved the topic.

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