Sometimes, it makes me wonder how quickly we adjust to a particular situation. We all want good things to happen in our lives. We want favorable circumstances. But even with some not so great conditions initially, we crib, we get upset, we get frustrated, but, somehow, we adjust. Can we give any better example than today’s pandemic situation? Initially, we were not very happy with the new normal, but with time, we started to figure out the alternatives. Our way of thinking changed, our way of looking at things got a new touch of positivity. We all have learned and still learning many lessons during the pandemic. We have discovered a new us.

1. Its lockdown, how can I get my groceries? We cannot go out to eat, what if my kids demand a Pizza?
2.There will be no house help. How will I manage without any help?
3.Kids will be home full time. How will I be able to entertain them?
4.I will not be able to meet my friends. Don’t know when I will see them next time?
Now, let’s see our solution that we have figured out:
1.I will try to make fewer trips and will get maximum stuff. I will manage it. If kids ask for pizza, then I have other options to suggest.
2.It’s okay; I will not let dished pile up in the kitchen. This will be an excellent time to teach my kids about organizing, cleanliness, and teamwork.
3.I am not going to stress out. I will discuss other alternatives with them to keep themselves engaged.
4.Hmm..this could be a concern, but until we meet in person, I can see them over video calls. I will call them regularly. This is an ideal time to strengthen our friendship bond.
Have you faced these questions when lockdown started? But after some time did they bother you? I hope your answer is no.
The reason for this is the shift in our mindset. We have found an alternative for our concerns. We realized that things that we felt a big deal weren’t that big. We realized that stuff that we thought we could not live without were our self-made priorities, or they were our luxuries. We learned that to live a happy life, we need a few very basic things. The three words roti, kapda, aur makaan (food, clothes, and a house), are our real needs. Anything added to this list is our wants. They are not our needs. Which brings me to one more thing that we have understood- The difference between needs and wants….
When our kids ask for something new toy or game, we ask them why you need it? How long are you going to play with it? Don’t you have other options? But when we want something, the impulsive buyer in us shows its presence from the corner of our heart. Sometimes we control that side and let it stay where it was before, but sometimes, we also get carried away. Pandemic has taught us that we don’t need a lot of fancy things to make our days happy and fulfilling.
Now, when we have relief from lockdown, and we can step out for sometimes, even grocery store trips or evening walks seem like a blessing. We no more crave for Malls or restaurants. The desire is still there, but now we know that walking in nature can be more relaxing than spending 4 hours at a mall and come home exhausted due to traffic or home cooked meals can be a great family time.
My learning or take away from the pandemic is very simple yet valuable – we are the creator of our circumstances and our wish list. It is in our hands how much stretch it. Be grateful to what you are getting, thank God for giving you the strength to face any tough situation.
Check out a beautiful post written on Gratitude. It issue apt in current situation.
Stay blessed, Stay healthy, Stay safe!!