My Parenting Mantra – cherish every moment, they grow fast


Parenting is not a process, it’s a learning experience. It’s an open book where every day is a new chapter. We make mistakes and learn from them. There are no set guidelines to follow or any particular route that leads to a specific destination. It is an ongoing journey.

Welcome aboard this blog train – My Parenting Mantra. Cool part of this blog train is it is driven by some awesome mommy bloggers. You can hop on and enjoy the ride for over a month. We promise to bring you some enriching contents that will add to your own parenting experience.

Thank you Anchal who blogs at   for introducing me. Meet all talented blogger moms who are a part of this blog train :#MyParentingMantra train here.


“Best Job in the World even with lousy pay, no holidays and no sleep-ins”


Every parent has their own mantra that helps them in nurturing their kids. Sometimes it gives them what they want but sometimes it goes the other way round. With child’s birth is when a woman is re-born. Before becoming a mother, these were just words for me but very soon they became part of my life. I guess, it comes naturally to put your kiddo first. My parenting mantra revolves around the notion of cherishing each and every moment, they(kids) grow really fast.


my parenting mantra

Now, when I remember my daughter’s early childhood days or infant days, it surprises me how fast days went by. I am re-living those days with my son. Since his birth, this one year passed by so quickly and he is already one year old. I know very soon he will be running around and start reaching his other milestones.

After I took up mommy role, I made these promises to myself which are my mantras…


  • Celebrate their small achievements: Let them know you notice their day-to-day milestones. It gives them a feeling of pride and confidence that their success matters for you. Also, it teaches them that success is not always achieving something big. All the small moments which give you a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction also matters in the success path.


  • Get involved in their activities: No need to do anything special or extra. Even a small gesture of involvement goes a long way. For example, give a surprise visit at their lunch time (if school policies allow that). Kids don’t expect something fancy. Make simple moments special by being there for them.


  • Steal some magical moments: There are many such moments throughout the day which can be filled with excitement. For example: You can also have a movie night with popcorn or go and have a lunch date with your kiddo.

Bake something together like cake or pizza. I am in India right now and my daughter has recently learned microwave mug cake from my niece. Yesterday, she wanted to bake mug cake with me. She was so excited for this simple joy. It sounds so simple but on should see the joy on her face while baking it with me and later enjoying her first independent baking experience.


  • Family Time has its own magic: Cherishing moments also involves family time. Like playing any board game or an impromptu picnic. Take whatever you have cooked to a park, have a picnic mat, few games and see the magic of those moments.


my parenting mantra


“Hold on to the tiny moments and cherish the little snuggles…, They grow up so fast..”

Dear parents,  In today’s busy lifestyle, it is hard to find time. We have to make an effort to find such moments and cherish them. Kids grow very fast. Before we realize they fly away.

That was all about my parenting mantra of cherishing each moment. What is your mantra? Do let me know. And don’t forget to check out my fellow blogger mom Danisha’s parenting mantra. Danisha blogs at

Till then..Happy Parenting!!


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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