Imagine, you see the calendar and realize that your period has gotten late. What would be your first thought? Am I pregnant? That’s obvious. Because that’s the first thing we understand whenever we miss our period or when it gets delayed even by one day. But that is not the case all the time. Our body is not a clock. Variation in the menstrual cycle is normal especially if you are breastfeeding, teenager or close to menopause. Up to 7–9 days of variation cycle-to-cycle is considered normal for adults.

Even if pregnancy is the first thing that comes to our mind but that is not the only reason for a late or missed period. Every woman experiences this situation when these thoughts run through her mind. A late period can be emotional, but try not to jump to conclusions until you find out what’s really going on.
Here are some of the possible reasons other than being pregnant for a late or missed period,
- Stress: That’s the first reason. It always surprises me and actually makes me laugh that the first reaction or emotion any woman experiences when her periods are late can be the first reason for it to get delayed. But that’s true. When we are stressed, part of your brain responsible for regulating your period doesn’t get the signal. So, try to relax and divert your mind. It is very hard, I know but try to go out, do something that interests you. Now at this time, nothing can actually entertain us or distracts us but we have to figure out a way.
- Over-exercising: Major changes in weight, whether losing a significant amount of fat or gaining it, can result in major hormone imbalance, disrupting fertility and ovulation.
- Under-weight or Over-weight: When the body lacks fat and other nutrients, it cannot produce hormones the way it should. Increasing your body’s fat stores leads to a hormonal imbalance that can stop your ovulation. Just like weight gain, there is no defined about of weight loss that results in missed periods when starting from normal weight.
- Thyroid: Thyroid hormone affects every cell in the body. That’s why thyroid disease causes a vast array of symptoms including fatigue, elevated cholesterol, hair loss, and dry skin. That’s why thyroid disease affects menstruation.
- Medication: Sometimes, medications also have side effects that result in a late or missed period.
- Change in schedule: Changing schedules can throw off your body clock.
- Ectopic pregnancy: Ectopic pregnancy can happen sometimes due to the shape of the device and may not cause you to test positive on a pregnancy test. Your doctor can confirm or exclude this possibility with a pelvic examination or an ultrasound.
Word of caution:
There are many reasons for late periods, and while most are not cause for alarm, you do need an evaluation and treatment if you have completely missed more than one period.
How your missed periods are treated depends on why you aren’t having your period. The treatment can include lifestyle changes, such as diet or stress reduction, or may involve hormone replacement therapy. So in case f any doubt, it is best to stop making guesses and consult you doctor.