Kids teach us…

Kids teach us.JPG-edited


Kids Teach Us…

It was 1st or 2nd week of my daughter’s Kindergarten year. I went to school for lunch. Her counselor passed by from the cafeteria and my daughter waived at her. I asked her who is she? My daughter said “She is our counselor. I like her. She is very sweet.” My next question was “Do you know, who is a counselor? What do they do?” She said “They help us.” What a simple explanation. Right? Now, just imagine if we have been asked the same question, what would be our answer?- A person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems. Or may be something else. But none of these definitions can be as simple as what a kid can tell.

     “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.” by Angela Schwindt.

No need to say that they are capable to turn our lives upside down, they test our patience. But children also have the power to teach us the greatest lessons we’ll ever learn. They don’t try to impress anyone. They teach us how to find happiness and joy in simple things.

  • Life is beautiful: Kids live in their own world, where everything is beautiful. They are far away from hesitation, hatred and selfishness. They are enthusiastic about life, eager to learn, and curious about everything.


  • Don’t make things complicated: Their way of looking at things is very clear and simple. They do not go into too much of reasoning.


  • Let things go: Children are extremely forgiving. They can be angry and upset one moment but the very next second they will come and give a big smile & a hug.


  • See things differently: Sometimes seeing things differently gives a totally new outlook. Once a teacher asked a kid in her class the reason for why is he under the table when the whole class is sitting on their chair? With his eyes wide open and with excitement as if he has discovered something very interesting there, he said “I was practicing my counting, I counted till 20.” How? There were 5 chairs…:). I came across this example in one of the TV shows.


  • It’s okay to fail sometimes: Just be optimistic. When a child takes his first step, he does not start walking straight away. He falls many times. But every time he gets up with the same zeal and start again. And finally, he gains confidence that he can now walk independently.


  • Be an observant: Kids learn a lot from what they observe. They typically mimic the actions that work. As we grow older we tend to become less observant. It’s good to do things independently but sometimes we shouldn’t forget how well we learned when we were young by simply observing others.


  • Do not worry about tomorrow: What are you worrying about, when tomorrow is not there yet? Start every day with an enthusiasm. They believe in the notion of no day will ever be exactly like today.


And last but not the least…

  • Live in life’s simplest treasures: Kids do not get flattered with fancy expensive stuff. They want to live their life to its fullest enjoying the simple gifts of nature. I will give you an example: the other day, our play area was kind of filled with water coming from the swimming pool, we thought kids will not be able to play today, but I saw some kids making paper boats, throwing pebbles. They found their own way of enjoyment. Put a kid in a puddle and watch him cheerfully splash around.


  • Nurture and value your relationship: For kids their friend means a lot. They find joy hanging out with their friends. Even grown-ups like this too. Right? Sure, life gets busier as we get older, but we should never let our busy schedules keep us from the people we care about most.







About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

8 thoughts on “Kids teach us…

    1. Hello Tonya, Thanks for stopping by. Oh are the little magicians..:) They are so innocent and clear. I guess that’s the best part of childhood..:)

      Glad you liked the post. Keep on visiting Mothers Gurukul.
      Keep in touch!!

      Thanks once again.

  1. This is so true! I just love how my kids can boil down a point to sheer simplicity. They can take the complicated and translate it into terms everyone can relate to. It really is beautiful the way kids approach life. I love this post AND it was written on my wedding anniversary 🙂 YAY!
    So glad you introduced yourself from BloggyMoms so I could discover your awesome blog!

    1. Thank you Sandra for stopping by and taking time to post your comment.
      Glad you liked it. I truly believe that kids have so much to teach us, I only pointed out 9…:) Most of the times we get busy in getting too much into complicated stuff that we overlook the beauty in small and simple things. Kids know that. And that’s why they are special.
      BTW Belated Happy Anniversary…:) Its little too late. Hope you had a great day.

      Thanks once again. Keep on visiting Mothers Gurukul.

  2. Very true Pratibha. And thats why they are so pure. They listen to their heart. They are far far away from selfishness, greed, or any negative feelings.

    Thanks for visiting. And keep on visiting..:)

    1. That’s so nice of you saying that.
      It’s sad that now a day, kids are over burdened with so much work. Structured play is equally important but they learn a lot through free play as well. It gives us a chance to re-live our childhood days with them. Why not to take this opportunity..

      Thanks for visiting!!

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