How to make storytelling a fun and engaging experience

People of all ages love stories. Something that starts as a bedtime story or a bonding time with grandparents turns into something to catch up on a missed episode of our favorite TV show. When done effectively, storytelling takes us in a completely new world. You must have observed your kid’s changing expressions when you read them a story with full emotions, tone variation, and modulation. Stories have the power to gather, teach, entertain, and soothe. Human brains are wired for stories.

When we were growing up, our parents and grandparents made a new story each day. They never took the help of any book or never searched on the internet with the hashtag #bedtimestoriesforkids. They were experts in making impromptu stories. With time, the pattern of bedtime stories has changed. Now parents read books to their kids. I also follow it. Luckily, we have an excellent public library with a wide variety of kids’ books. There is no limit to issuing books. Every week I go to the library and issue almost 15-20 books. It gives me and my kiddo a variety of options to pick from for each story-time. I prefer physical copies over kindle stories. I want him to hold the book while we read it. A new study says that when children hear a vocabulary word spoken, they learn to read it more easily later.

Related article: Why reading physical books still holds a relevance in today’s era of the internet

But occasionally, he doesn’t want to read from the book. Instead, he wants me to narrate him a story. And I enjoy it as much as I enjoy reading from a book. So I take this as an opportunity to convey some important lessons to him in the form of a story.

But it is not the same for many. Not everyone is always up for creating on-the-spot stories. But, I feel we all have a storyteller within us. Sometimes, it takes the back seat in the presence of other fancy and easily accessible resources. So, why not wake up that storyteller.

How to make storytelling a fun and engaging experience
Source,Edit: pixabay, canva

7 Ways to keep kids interested in storytelling

1.Bring your characters to life

2.Use that day’s happening to build the story

3.Add a few personal elements into the story

4.Let your children complete the story

5.Maintaining an eye contact

6.Let them ask questions

7.Ending is important

Bring your characters to life

One of the essential skills of storytelling is bringing the characters to life. When we support our storytelling with emotions, it impacts the listeners. Talking about kids, then they love listening to a story that is told with emotions.

  • Do accent
  • Take dramatic pauses
  • Modulate your voice, elevating and reducing it to construct narrative momentum
  • Speak humorously and laugh with kids when they laugh to make it a happier moment for everyone

Use that day’s happening to build the story

One of the biggest challenges in storytelling is finding the plot. This problem is solved when we start looking for small details that have happened throughout the day. Sometimes, events from school can become the central point of the story.

Add a few personal elements into the story

We can turn the story in whichever direction we want when we are the driver. We can decide the end and bring new characters into our story. That’s how my first book, “A Girl In The New Town” took its shape. “A Girl In The New Town” was born from the bedtime stories that I used to tell my daughter and niece.

Let your children complete the story

When you ask open-ended questions, they are very excited. I am sure they will come up with an exciting addition. And you can keep building a good script as a team. You can even let them choose their characters.

Related article: Choosing books for children

Maintain eye contact

Maintaining eye contact is very, very important. Maintaining eye contact grabs not only the kid’s attention but also conveys a sense of confidence and truthfulness. When you start narrating the story in a flat tone and look up to them after some time, they are already busy with something else.

Let them ask questions- interaction is essential

We tend to stop them from interrupting us. We tell them to wait till the story is over. So, each time such questions pop up, take your time to reply to them. Kids asking questions and answering them will satisfy their curiosity, and it will tell you that they are listening to you.

Ending is important

Do not leave your story open-ended. Kids expect an end to a story. So even if you are trying to build a continuation in your storytelling, each chapter should end with something that will give them a feeling of completion. You can end the story with “what next” element for little older kids. But for younger kids, there has to be a strong ending.

7 ways to keep kids interested in storytelling
Source, Edit: pixabay, canva

Wrap up:

When kids are still in their world even after the story has ended, this is an indication that they were completely into the story. And that’s what we want. But for that, we have to make it a ritual. Then, very soon, they would be able to express their ideas in a much more constructive way; you will see a positive change in their thinking, vocabulary, sentence formation.


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

30 thoughts on “How to make storytelling a fun and engaging experience

  1. Storytelling is one of the most fascinating and enduring activities. All of us can vividly remember stories heard from parents and grandparents. The magic of this type of storytelling survives in spite of the latest technologies. You have given some wonderful tips to make storytelling more interesting for kids.

  2. These are the great ways to keep your child interested in storytelling. Once my sister pushed my niece to tell the story on a call and I didn’t get it then. Now I understand why she pushed her.

  3. Storytelling is so important and unless you do it the right way, you will never be able to get the kid’s attention. Thanks for offering some handy tips and tricks to crack the art of storytelling.

  4. All my father use to read me a story or tell me a story every night and even I practice the same. You rightly said, for the impactful story you should always bring the characters to life so that the kids enjoy it and even remember the story very well.

  5. You have mentioned great tips for stories telling. Parents nowadays rely on the convenience provided by technology to put their children to sleep. These may be considered simple and easy ways, but nothing compares to the beauty of storytelling to our children.

  6. Thnks for this!!the points you have mentioned here really supports. I will try it . Good story tellers have a great and brave mind to speak to a big crowd.

  7. Book reading is such an important part of every child’s childhood. Not only does this help them be more interested in reading books but it also helps open their mind and be imaginative. I’ve been invited to my daughter’s school as a plenary guest on their storytelling event and I’m so proud and happy to see all the kids become so engaged while I read the book.

  8. Storytelling is so integral for a child and i love the way you deduced the whole process into simple steps so every parent will be helped a lot from this.

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