Here is how writing has helped me re-discover myself

A couple of months ago, a friend asked me if I always planned to get into writing. “I didn’t. I followed the paths and clues life gave me. It may sound cliché, but it just happened. I didn’t plan for it.”, I said. When I interviewed a renowned graphologist Aditi Suara on my podcast, after analyzing my handwriting, she said “you were destined to be in this field. When you can’t express something verbally, writing gives you the medium. And you always feel happy from within whenever you write something.” I was surprised and glad to hear her words. She was 100% right.

Here is how writing has helped me re-discover myself?
Source, Edits: pixabay, canva

What does writing means to me?

Writing has always been an extra limb for me. I stepped into creative writing almost 10 years ago. Something that started as a desire to utilize my time productively soon became a medium to express my feelings and share them with the world. It gave me a new set of friends, shaped my narrative of who I am, and has played a crucial role in my personality. It will not be wrong if I say that it gave me a new perspective on myself, the situation, and the world. 

Whether journaling, diary writing, or creative writing, it gave me a vent to express myself and reflect upon my thoughts. It gave me a breakthrough in certain challenging situations and helped me deal with my emotions. I don’t want to talk about those tough times on my blog; they are my past now, and everything went well. Let’s jump on our topic and enter into the world of writing. Whatever I am going to write, I have experienced them and still experience them.

From a Cognitive point of view, creative writing has many advantages. Writing is an art that encourages you to engage your brain in a unique – yet familiar – way, looking at things from a fresh perspective and choosing your words carefully.  

I have taken some courses in the past years and months, including NLP Master Practitioner, Emotional Intelligence Life Coaching, and Personal Transformation Breakthrough Coaching. In all these courses, a lot of importance was given to writing/journaling. The reason is obvious. Writing has many psychological benefits. It helps us vent out and feel light. When we get clarity in our thoughts, we can make better decisions. It gives our mind a chance to think fresh. In fact, people who are into any form of writing are good speakers or communicators as they know the power of words and choose them wisely. So, are you ready to dig deeper? Come with me. 

  • Gives you mental clarity 
  • Improves self-care and self-esteem 
  • Writing improves your attention span 
  • Expressing feelings 
  • Writing fosters creativity 

Gives you mental clarity 

Creative writing forces you to arrange and put your ideas into words. This can assist you in putting things into perspective and making better judgments. Writing also helps you become more conscious of your ideas and emotions. When we write down our ideas, we push ourselves to organize them logically. Writing can significantly boost mental clarity. And when you have this, it will have a positive impact on your self-worth.  

Improves self-care and self-esteem

When we can vent our thoughts, we invest in self-care. We do not let our feelings pile up. When we share our accomplishments with others through writing, the praise we get boosts our self-esteem. It can make you feel better about yourself. Writing allows you to express your thoughts and feelings about achievements and milestones.

Writing improves your attention span

No surprise, people’s attention spans are shrinking daily. Research shows the average person’s attention span is now only 7-8 seconds long. When you are writing, you are actually multitasking. There is a quote –“Write without fear and edit without mercy.” You are thinking, composing, drafting, editing, and weaving them into a writing piece. All this needs focus. No task can be combined with one other. 

It helps in expressing feelings

Writing enables you to unwind and de-stress. When we have so much going on inside us, we don’t know how to discuss it. Sometimes we don’t feel comfortable to talk about it. That’s the time; writing gives us a medium to express feelings and find an outlet.

In her article Writing is self-expression, Julia Walter says, “Writing, for me, is how I check in with myself and how I can better understand what is going on inside my head with my thoughts and feelings.”

Whether through poetry, fiction, or personal essays, writing allows individuals to explore their emotions, make sense of their experiences, and connect with others on a deeper level.

Writing fosters creativity

When you have to put your thoughts into words, your brain takes a creative route. You think from a different angle and find creativity in simple things. Your brain learns to look for creativity in every small thing; your thought process takes a new turn and gives you several reasons to find joy and happiness. 

Final words

Writing can be very fulfilling and can have therapeutic effects. I can go on and on this topic. If you are into writing, I am sure you will agree. But if you are new to writing, you too will soon experience its magic. So what are you waiting for?

This post is part of the “The Write Path Blog Hop” hosted by Swarnali Nath .


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

20 thoughts on “Here is how writing has helped me re-discover myself

  1. Writing is an effective way to express the words we can’t express by talking. I loved the way you have formatted this post ans brought so many aspects of writing to us. Especially, I liked how it helps the cognitive abilities of humans. I remember your interview with Aditi Surana. Glad to have you with us, thank you for joining the blog hop and sharing your experience and knowledge with us. Means a lot. Gratitude. ☺

  2. Hi Alpana! I’ve never thought so much about all the benefits of writing as enlisted by you. I just write. So it’s great to know about the mental clarity and attention span and other benefits. Makes it all the more precious.

  3. I like the way you have shared your writing journey across–straight and sweet. I am with you on how writing rewires are brain, gives us focus and clarity and also encourages us to become a better version of ourselves. It helps strengthen the mind and brings a new world into play. Beautifully put!

  4. Dear Alpana I agree with you on this topic where writing can be a magical tool for us to help us lead a better and meaningful life. Being a certified and practicing Graphologist and Therapist I would also like to add if writing on paper done in a religious and mindful way can also help you revive from many health issues which many are not aware about. I am glad that you are in the world of writing and I wish you immense success so that you can keep sharing such valuable content with us for our knowledge addition.

  5. You are right Alpana, we all can go on and on when it comes to talk about magical art of writing. yes, writing offers many great benefits and also help us a lot deal with difficult situations. loved your post.

  6. I absolutely loved your post. Writing has always been a big part of my life but you’ve made me appreciate it more. I liked how you brought out the therapeutic nature of writing; it really does help one process emotions and experiences. Besides, I think that through continuous writing, our communication skills and critical thinking also improves.

  7. Writing has always been an extra limb for me – what a thought! I hadn’t thought of it like this and it makes so much sense. And I so agree with you – writing definitely improves attention spans and I’m glad that I have that superpower in the world of instant gratification. I also feel writing forces you to do things with diligence and care.

  8. You’ve beautifully summed up all the plus points of writing here. I feel so grateful to have discovered this art by chance, which has helped me grow personally a great deal. I am also able to express myself a lot more in the written word than verbally. Thanks for sharing these facts about writing, I am going to use this the next time I try to convince someone to start journaling 😁.

  9. I could to almost every word you said here, Alpana.
    Expressing myself and fostering my creativity are my top reasons, after of course, it being my healer and therapeutic for my mental health 🙂

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