When we talk about dental issues, Braces comes in the picture. Braces make our smile beautiful. Getting Braces doesn’t hurt but your mouth may get sensitive which makes chewing difficult especially during the first few days. When it comes to children, braces treatment seems painful to them.
Recently, I underwent this dilemma on what to offer my daughter when she is having braces, and her gums are sore? I haven’t talked about the mood swings yet. Yes, when our child is in pain then they can’t help it. Braces are not at all a pleasant experience for anyone. And when it is with kids then it becomes even tougher. First of all, it’s slightly uncomfortable and along with that, they have to give up on some of their favorite food items. That is even more painful for them. 🙂 Kids often ask can we eat chocolate, or why not popcorn? – they are soft, why not chips? They are so thin.

The entire period of braces is not painful. But it’s the initial weeks and later every time there is an adjustment, the gums become sore. It is hard for them to chew. Even a little bit of pressure on the gums becomes painful. With time, the pain fades and the child learns to handle it but the initial days are quite hard. When they are at school the whole day we have to think of those options which will satisfy their hunger, taste buds and also provide them the necessary nutrition? And yes, a smile on your kiddo’s face. These are a few of my options:
Things to avoid throughout: Hard food - Candy, Apple(whole), Carrots (whole), Pizza (crust), Pretzels, Hard crackers, gums, Popcorn, Ice, Nuts Sticky food – Gummy Bears, Popcorns, Chips Sugary drinks - Limit the consumption of sugary foods and drinks while having braces. When sugar mixes with saliva, it creates a sticky film (plaque)that coats the teeth What is permitted: Anything soft and Liquid
Try to avoid spicy food, thick rolls or bread, thick cut of meats, citrus food right after getting the braces. You’ll be able to eat these items once your teeth adjust to having braces.
Tip while packing lunch box- Give them sides instead of one big meal. Sides can be many that we will discuss further in this post. So, now let me share a few options that can be helpful during the first few days after your child gets braces.
Soups – Soups are perfect for the first day. Be creative with the combinations. Tomato basil, Broccoli cheese, Mix vegetable (blend it). Add oats to make it filing.
Mac & Cheese – Macaroni being soft and Cheese adding the needed flavor and filling element, Mac ‘n’ Cheese is also a good option during initial days of braces. If you are planning to give pasta then cook is little extra.
Milk Shakes and Smoothies – Smoothies are an ideal source of dairy and fruits.
Ice creams – Now that is something kids would love to have. Especially, during the first or second day, ice creams are best as they help in numbing the sore gums and reduce the pain to some extent.
Idli – Idli is steamed rice cakes. You can pack a few in the lunch box with some dip.
Jello/ Puddings/ Yogurt – Chocolate pudding, Rice puddings, flavored yogurt, jello, apple sauce can be a good option as they are tasty and can be a perfect option for lunch box sides. Keep an ice pack and they can stay cool for long hours.
Sandwich – For the first 2-3 days, they may not be able to chew sandwich. But by the end of the first week, they should be able to have it.
Chapati – Alike sandwich, same applies to this too. Eventually, they would be able to eat chapati.
Snacks like chips, cookies –Ideally it should be avoided but if they want to try these then they have to make sure to break them in to very tiny pieces . But only when they are 100% comfortable with the wires. The braces wire is very delicate and it can easily bend or become loose if even a small piece of chips gets stuck there.
Along with making the right food choices, taking care of braces and your teeth is very important. We have to keep on reminding our kids to brush and floss as told by the Orthodontist.
Other than the above food options, there is something that does not fall in any of the above categories. And that is our support. Yes, once again, we have to give them a supportive back and a listening ear when they are starting the treatment. It’s new to them, they have to get accustomed to this new member. They might be whinny, a little bit irritating, annoying too but please bear with it. They might behave as if you have put them in this situation and now you are neither helping them not trying to help them. But the truth is we can’t do anything. They have to handle themselves. So, be there. Be patient, be gentle. And if needed, take a step back. Hang on. Things will be smooth and back to normal pretty soon.