Become rich- we all can become rich in just a few seconds

If I say that in this post, I am going to tell you how you can become rich instantly in 2020? Ahha..well..we all want to be rich. Isn’t it? But is becoming rich always means in terms of money? I hope your answer is no.  I am talking about becoming rich in terms of having blessings in abundance. Yes, no matters how influential you are or how wealthy you are but if you are still striving to earn blessings then what is the use of all that wealth?

become rich-we all can become rich in just a few seconds
Source:, Edits:


  • Care: In India, we follow the notion of “Atithi Devo Bhav”. While growing up, I have seen my parents offering water or some sweet with water to the postman or courier guy. Especially, in summer when they come to deliver our packages, if we offer a glass of water to them then believe me the blessings they will give you are prices-less. I remember, when we moved to Houston from Austin, we kept some chilled soda cans in our ice coolers. And when the unloading was done, we asked the moving guys if they would like to have them. Believe me, the look they had on their face was self-explanatory. They were so touched by this gesture.


  • Appreciate: Don’t be a kanjoos when it comes to appreciating others. I know it’s hard on many occasions but if you like something then acknowledge it. It’s a precious gift that you can give it to anyone and get tons of blessings.


  • Lend your helping hand:  Don’t wait for your friends to come to you and ask for help. Sometimes when you offer your help without being asked then that is different. That is special. Earlier, people used to feel closeness. There used to be hardly any room for formality. Why? Because they were there for each there.

I know, nowadays we wait for others to ask for help. Help doesn’t always mean giving something. Sometimes it also means sharing your knowledge, giving the person little bit of your time. When I started blogging, I have experienced many such moments when I didn’t get the support that I was looking for. But it never stopped me from moving forward. I learned it on my own. Just that those people went off my go-to list. I have no hard feelings for them. They are still my friends and I feel happy reading their success stories but just that, now I don’t count on them. They taught me something to remember all the time- “always help others if you can”. Today, whenever I see any new blogger struggling with something, I help them to my possible extent. And you know, helping others has many scientific benefits.


  • Mind your words: Words are very powerful. Use them carefully. Sometimes, in order to say things clearly, we go a little out of the way. That may be your style but there is always a better way of putting things. When words have the power to inspire others then why to use them to make others feel sad?


  • Address people by their names: What’s so big deal in it? We all address the person’s name first and then start our conversation. Right? But if you use the person’s name in between as well then it adds a different touch to your conversation. “A person’s name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” – Dale Carnegie. This is also one of the tips for effective communication. Also, the person you are talking to will like talking to you. You might become a source of inspiration or a pillar of strength for someone in need of motivational or uplifting talk. Do you find it hard to memorize names? Try these techniques for remembering names.


So, have you noticed one thing? You don’t have to do anything special to become rich. Just follow these simple tips. And your gift in the form of blessings is guaranteed.



About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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