Dealing with separation anxiety


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Today’s topic is how to deal with separation anxiety. Every parent, whether working or non-working have to leave their child at child care or with a babysitter or at a friend’s place or at school. We all to go through the phase when we have to deal with the situation explaining our child; convincing him/her that we will come back.  It’s very normal for a toddler to protest for this new addition to his/her daily routine. The fear of separation causes distress. Your little one cries or clings to you as you’re leaving the room or heading out the door. It’s heart breaking for both of you.  At a young age, kids don’t have a sense of time, so they don’t know when you’ll return.

But, from my experience I can say that little bit of prep-work can make this transition phase little smooth. They are not going to accept it happily, we all know that. It is difficult but it’s a normal stage of development. But at least they will adjust slowly once they get the confidence that you are not leaving them forever…:-)


  • Socialize: Socializing is very important. Now a days, most of us live in nuclear family. Our friends are like our second family. Invite friends over, take your child to library – parks where they get to mingle with their age kids. Sometimes too many unknown faces make kids uncomfortable if they are not used to of it. Make the gathering small.


  • Keep familiar surroundings: If this is your first time dropping off your kid then it will be a good idea if you start with the surrounding that your child is familiar with. Known faces, surroundings make it easier. Even for you, it will be a better idea as you will be at a peace.


  • Be confident about your choice: Your child can sense your nervousness. Believe or not they get a feel mommy and daddy are also going through the same emotional roller coaster because they have to drop me at school/day care? So, you better be strong. Show them that you are confident about your decision and your child will be happy and safe there.


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  • Don’t prolong your good-bye: Good-bye is just two words but for your kid its more than that.  It is obvious for your child to get anxious when you say good-bye. They feel that I am going to be here without my mom-dad. When you say bye, say it with a smiling face and immediately leave. Don’t look back. Chances are your kid is looking at you standing at that very spot where s(he) was when you said bye. If you look back, either one of you will get emotional. Kids are fine when you are not there. But never sneak out of the door. You are making your child even more upset this way.


  • Get friendly with the teacher: When your little one see that you are friendly with the teacher, s(he) gets an idea that yes, my teacher is my mom’s friend. That means she is my friend. They feel safe and happy.

Separation anxiety is just a phase like other phases and sooner or later your child will overcome that. So, be positive. But, if you are concerned about anything unusual that you notice or otherwise then never hesitate to talk to your child’s doctor. Do share how you deal with separation anxiety? Happy Parenting!!



About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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