Sometimes, we think that our parents don’t understand us. We call it generation gap but their experience and words of wisdom is so strong that it never gets outdated. Mother-daughter love is always so special. As her daughter grows, every mother start re-living her young days. Let’s read this sweet tale of mother-daughter love.
Daal Palak – a sweet tale of Mother-Daughter Love

Naina came to her Mom’s place and was enjoying her stay. After getting married she moved to a different city. This was the first time in the last three years, she was actually enjoying the pampering. Getting up late, enjoying warm breakfast, favorite lunch and dinner menu, late night movies. What more a daughter can ask for at her mom’s place? Mother-daughter love is always special. Naina was enjoying being a child again. Nikita was also trying to do as much as she could to make Naina happy. Making her favorite Palak Paneer, Tadka Daal, and much other varieties, watching the shows she liked and what not. Naina was very happy with Hrishikesh. Even though it has been three years since they got married, but still Naina had that just married glow on her face. Every time, Nikita would meet her seeing Naina’s glowing face her thoughts used to take a big leap. “You are glowing Naina. Am I going to be a grandma soon?” Naina would try to avoid the discussion saying its Hrishikesh love that reflects on her face. Like any other mom who gets happy seeing her daughter, Nikita would try to satisfy herself but wasn’t fully convinced. Her daughter was going to turn 29 this year. She wanted Naina and Hrishikesh to think about starting their family now.
Seeing Naina mood, one morning, she brought this topic during their breakfast conversation. Hrishikesh had just called her so she was in an extra happy mood.
“Naina, what have you decided? It’s been three years now. What are you guys planning?”
“What’s the rush Maa? Is there a written rule that one should have kids after these many years? It’s all our self-made rules. We are not ready yet. We want to be 100% sure before we decide to think of it.” Naina’s answer was still the same for the last one year. Every time she would add another reason to her explanation.
“There is no point in delaying Naina. I am not saying that the clock is ticking but there is time for everything. You will never feel that you are 100% ready. But when it comes, you automatically become ready for it.”Nikita tried to convince her as always but she wasn’t sure how much Naina is understanding her point.
“That’s exactly what we don’t want. First, jump in the pool and then learn to swim. It’s better to get lessons first, get ready and them jump.” Naina tried to ease the conversation sensing that today her mom is in a real serious mood. Today she cannot just give any answer to her. Today Nikita was looking for an answer. Giving her mom a satisfactory answer about having a baby was the side of this mother-daughter love that Naina always found hard to handle.
“Naina, and that’s exactly what I don’t like when you take serious things lightly and talk about it like a school girl. You were in my lap when I was two years younger than you. Now tell me, do you think we made a wrong decision to bring you to this world? Naina I know time has changed, today girls are more independent in thinking and luckily your husbands also align on that but there has to be some kind of thought process that should happen towards this side. Right?” Nikita was not in a very good mood and Naina’s carefree answer had disturbed her.
“Calm down Maa. I am understanding your point. I am sorry if I hurt you. I am really sorry. And please never ever think that you and Dad made a wrong decision. I have and will always be thankful to God for giving me you two as my parents. Coming to my kids then Maa, so don’t worry you will get the news soon. But you know what, whenever I think of having kids, one thought that scares me the most is my independence. I know it sounds very childish and selfish but I don’t know Maa.”Naina was pouring her heart out to her mom today.
“It’s very natural Naina. There is nothing wrong with this feeling. And it’s good that you are being honest to yourself. I am proud of you. But believe me, when you will hold the tiny miracle of God in your hands, these things won’t matter.” Nikita was trying to soothe her confused daughter.
“And what about my likes and dislikes? After you become a mother, you stop thinking about yourself. I don’t want to be one of those who will crib later on not being able to fulfill the desires and compromising life for her kids. Look at you Maa, after I and Akash were born, you have compromised so many things. You stopped making your favorite dishes. I don’t even remember when was the last time you made your favorite Daal Palak? Why? Because we don’t like it. Since I came here, every day, you make what I like. What about your favorites? You wanted to continue with your Music lessons, but you stopped because who will look after us when daddy used to be at work? Haven’t you ever felt about it?”Naina was not able to understand how her mom can let go so many of her favorite things but still looks happy.
“That’s Motherhood. Now listen Naina, have you ever thought about one thing. When you talk about your hobbies, likes, dislikes, independence, who are you thinking of? Do you think it’s about you?” Naina nodded.
“No, it’s not about you who you are thinking. It’s about your baby who you are concerned about? See, there is an element of motherhood in every woman. It’s a feeling Naina that is way beyond any words. It’s an expression that cannot be expressed. And you have started to experience that. Unknowingly, you have started to think about it.” Naina was deep in her thoughts as if today she had discovered a new side of hers. To make the conversation light, Nikita said. “Btw, who said, I haven’t made Daal Palak? After you got married and Akash joined his new job, what do you think, I continued to make your favorites?”Nikita said with a smile.
While mom and daughter were exchanging a few last sentences of their discussion, Naina Dad came back from the walk. “Aaj lunch me kya hai?”(what’s for lunch today).
“Daal-Palak”, Nikita said and looked at Naina.