We are almost towards the end of #MyFriendAlexa. It started on September 1stand I will be publishing my 8thand last post on Thursday. Every time whenever I register for MyFriendAlexa, I pick a theme. Depending on their niche, most of the bloggers follow a particular theme during this one month of writing challenge. I am a parenting and lifestyle blogger so ideally, I should have picked a theme which revolves around parenting. But instead, I picked a different theme -Podcasting. Why is that so? Is it because I felt that it could be a trending theme? Or because I wanted to try something new? No and no. The minute I registered for My FriendAlexa, I had my theme finalized. I would say, this challenge came right on time. I wanted to do a couple of short videos on IGTV on all the topics I covered in my posts. Reason being, I have been asked these questions many times. Initially, I used to think why people are so much concerned about these questions? “How can I prepare myself for a recording?-why do they have to prepare themselves?”, “How can I stick to the topic? – if you know your subject matter then why to worry about sticking to the topic?”, “How to pick topics to talk about? – there are so many topics that come under your niche then why this dilemma?” These were my thoughts. But when I seriously started to think on these topics for my posts, they seemed to be valid concerns.
So, here are my reasons behind choosing Podcasting for MyFriendAlexa.

Photo Credit: Neven Krcmarek
Edits: www.canva.com
I felt, there are so many talented bloggers out there who write well and they connect to their readers through their words. They want to give a new dimension to their writing but they want these answers. So, why can’t I help them in finding the answers from whatever knowledge I have in podcasting. And this was one of the main reasons for choosing Podcasting as my theme for MyFriendAlexa. Apart from this, I got to educate myself little more about podcasting. And check if I am also the same things or not what I am writing. Sometimes, it happens when we have been asked for some advice, we say it very easily but we ourselves forget to follow it with discipline. Also, while drafting the two posts (my personal favorite) one on “content creation” and second on “prep-work”, I realized that I am doing all that without realizing it. Honestly speaking I felt proud of having a podcast channel.
I remember, not very long time ago, one of my co-bloggers asked me if I sit in a quiet room before start to record? And how do I know that yes, I am ready to press the record button? How do I bring my focus at one point? I said very casually that I don’t do anything of that sort. It makes me excited when I am going to record. I said many times that I love public speaking in any form. And now when I have my channel then what could be a better option for me than to make the best out of it? While writing about this question in detail, I realized that it may not look that easy for everyone. And there is no harm in accepting it. We all go through many happy and rough days. Today, I feel at ease when I am recording and it comes naturally to me but there might be some days when I may face the same situation. And that time, I can read my own posts..:)
After seeing the response of the readers and reading their comments, I feel happy that I was able to keep my promise. I hope these feelings are mutual. So, let me quickly brief you on the areas/topics that we have touched on the theme.
- We started with basics: We looked into the meaning of Podcasting and how it is different from the audio file.
- Why we all should include podcasts in our routine: Nowadays, we have limited time but we want to stay updated on various topics. We want a dose of motivation or inspiration on our odd/rough days. And above all, we want the flexibility of accessing it anytime, anywhere.
- How you can start your channel on Anchor: Anchor is a user-friendly platform with some amazing features.
- Prep-work before you start recording: Having engaging content is important but how you deliver the content decides if your listeners will come back to you or not.
- How to create engaging content: Content is the key. But what are the points that can help you in creating interesting content?
- A Little bit about MothersGurukul Podcast
Thank you, everyone, for showing your love towards this theme. It assurance me that my theme selection for MyFriendAlexawas correct and I was able to do justice with it.
I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.