With this letter, the word PARENT comes to an end. From the lockdown perspective, which is the theme behind this series, I can think of only one word starting with T : Technology. Recently, I wrote a post on online learning. In that, I have pointed out the benefits of online certifications and how you can also think of putting your efforts in polishing your skills or doing a course in your interested area during the lockdown. Talking about studies, since the season of new normal has started, technology has a significant share in it. Started with occasional raindrops when schools were trying to figure out the structure for online learning, it took the form of heavy rain when online studies began in its full swing. Here, kids were in the middle of their session when the schools declared their closure. Initially, only school studies were taking place virtually, but slowly, activity classes also joined in. No one had any option left than Zoom to continue learning. It will not be wrong if we call it a Tsunami of technology. Yes, believe it, or not technology is everywhere now. It has become an integral part of our living. Can we imagine our days without the internet? We feel as if we have our heart has skipped a beat if we are trying to send a text, and the network starts acting weird. Our first words are..ohh..come on..why this has to happen now?

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We try our best to keep our kids away from technology. We tell them to go and play outside, meet people, see the world, experience it, read some books. But today everything is over technology. Except for reading some books, everything needs technology support. So, what can we do? Can we still keep our kids away from the tsunami of technology? I think we can. Not 100% or but I would say at least 50% (I know 50% on technology may sound little too much but let’s accept the reality – can we reduce it? If you have any ways then do let me know)
- Aim for balance/ Cutting down on optional screentime: When their studies and activity classes are taking place via zoom, then help them cut down on screen time in terms of the TV or video games. Set some screen time limits for your family to preserve time for activities beyond screens and tech. While the debate on exactly how many hours kids can spend on their screens before it becomes unhealthy rages on, you can draw firm lines for tech-free times.
We cannot compromise on what is necessary, but where we have the options, then why not? Now if not video games or TV then what can be done for entertainment?
- Starting a new skill: If they are interested in any skill then let them explore it this time. If they like speaking, then let them try the real microphone, and record something, and if they want to take a step forward, how about starting their YouTube channel or podcast? I know for a YouTube channel they will be on screen, but the prep work can be done offline. And even if they are on the screen to upload the video or understand the functions, then they are utilizing their time for something meaningful.
- Take up a course that both of you can do together: Good company can do wonders. At school, they have their classmates to accompany them. Quite often, peer pressure can bring the best out of the kids. At home, be their buddy and pick a course that you have been thinking of doing. The child will learn more from the activity and through your interaction, and you’ll bond through the shared experience. When two of you work as a team, then they will be motivated.
- Family time: We have been hearing a lot about family time. And especially in current circumstances, family time is the time we will not be getting afterwards. We tend to overlook, underestimate the importance of family time. We make New Year resolutions about spending quality time with our family. But, unintentionally, once we see our to-do list in front of our eyes, family time goes on the back burner. So, convert it into a game night and movie night. Have you tried playing Taboo? This is one of my family’s favorite games.
Other things that I am sure you all must be doing is baking with kids, doing some DIY together, or cooking as a family, Indoor or terrace camping, picnic in your backyard (if you haven’t tried it yet, then do give it a try).
These were a few of my idea of helping kids in using the technology wisely during the lockdown.
Previous posts from this mini series:
P: http://mothersgurukul.com/positive-parenting-change-attitude-visualize-current-situation/
A: http://mothersgurukul.com/aspirations-keep-check-just-kids/
R: http://mothersgurukul.com/resilient-resilient-parent-kid-sail-tough-situation/
E: http://mothersgurukul.com/e-explore-world-colors-kids-okra-stamping/
N: http://mothersgurukul.com/noticing-noticed-part-parenting/