Quit often we complain about not getting enough time. When 24 hours seem short, what can we do in just 60 minutes? Am I right? How many times have you said, “I need more time, I don’t have time, or my schedule is overflowing?” Multiple times. Isn’t it? But what if I said 60 minutes is a reasonable amount of time for a substantial impact on our lives?
A couple of days ago, I was invited to my son’s school for career week. The idea of Career Week is to introduce the students to different careers. I have been given 30 minutes per class to talk about my work profile as a parent & kids life coach. I was wondering if 30 minutes would be enough to present my topic? But while preparing for it, I realized that 30 minutes should not be a problem. If I divide 30 minutes wisely, I can cover a lot. And that’s what happened. We were able to talk about life coaching; did some activities, and we also had a Q & A session.
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We have 24 hours in one day, and each hour has 60 minutes. Approximately. we sleep (if we don’t binge-watch any Netflix series) 8 hours and enjoy some leisure time with our family and friends. The remaining hours are on us how we plan them. Imagine if we could utilize the 60 minutes in our working hours; how much would we achieve?

Why do we underestimate 60 minutes?
According to me, the two biggest reasons are:
First, we feel that they are not enough –
Self-talk – “How can I finish a certain task in just 60 minutes? It’s so less.”
And second, we do over-thinking rather than doing –
Self-talk- “Better not to start the work. I will finish it everything in one go later.”
Do any of the above two reasons sound familiar to you? Have you been in a situation when you were engaged in such self-talk? If you said yes then you are not alone. We all do it, have done it, or still doing it. But the good news is that making the best use of even 60 minutes is not hard.
60 minutes can make a big difference in our life…
1.Prioritize your work
2.Remove distractions
3.Do not procrastinate
4.Invest in good habits
Prioritize your work:
60 minutes is not short if we prioritize our work. Start with very important jobs and time-consuming tasks, then move on to less time-consuming tasks. If we finish the time-consuming tasks, then we will do well. But we cannot, and then we will have very little left for later. So, it is a win-win. This can be very. Helpful to those who feel they are always short of time.
Remove distractions:
When we think 60 minutes is not enough, it is better not to start any work, so we look for something to keep ourselves busy. These days, the phone is our go-to option when we need to pass a certain amount of time. If we can remove such distractions, then automatically, we will use our time productively.
Do not procrastinate:
To make the most of the available time, the first and foremost tip is not to procrastinate. Here are some easy tips to beat the procrastination. Don’t leave anything for later.
Related article: 6 practical tips to beat procrastination and be more productive
Invest in good habits:
Carrying a book with you is one such habit. I used to listen to podcasts while driving or any waiting time at my son’s pick-up line or doctor’s appointment. But in the last couple of months, I started carrying a book I am currently reading. I still listen to podcasts, but now I have another option. Instead of unnecessarily checking our emails or watching YouTube shorts or Instagram reels, wouldn’t it be better to listen to a podcast or read a page from the book?
Related article: 6 micro habits that will change your life
Wrap up!
This does not mean we should burden ourselves with work and forget any relaxing time. It is about not underestimating the power of 60 minutes. They may seem short, but they can contribute a lot towards our goals.