6 basic practices to help freelance writer in maintaining the flow of thoughts

6 basic practices to help freelance writer in maintaining the flow of thoughts

I am a freelance writer. I started blogging/  writing a couple of years ago. I do not call myself a pro as there is always so much to learn. But I have definitely seen the growth in my reach, statistics, views. Now, as I said I am yet to reach a point where I can teach others the tips and tricks of freelance writing. But I can tell you my personal viewpoint.


6 basic practices to help freelance writer in maintaining the flow of thoughts

Freelance writing might seems like a luxury and cool career but we also have to be disciplined. Alike any other career choice, freelancing doesn’t set us free from a disciplined way or working. You must have heard about the term writer’s block. Sometimes freelance writers also find it hard to think something new. But by following certain practices, it is not that tough to keep those ideas flowing. Here is what I feel or should I have learned during these years of freelance writing.


  • Have a dedicated workspace :  The comfort of being a freelance writer is you can write in your pajamas..yes…this is correct to some extent I personally feel the ambiance matters even when you are a freelancing. I will always prefer a table chair than a couch or bed to draft my post. A place that can put me in the mindset that this is my work and I have to be more attentive is my work place.


  • Write regularly: Every writer should write every day. It can be a small paragraph. Writing is what matters. I prefer to write something every day. If not a fresh post then just re-read my on-going post and try to see if I can further improve it. Once you have the regularity, you will find topics to write.


  • Make this a habit : This can take up to a few months, but once you train your brain for writing, all of this is second nature. Finding blog topics is second nature, pitching, and writing is all automatic.


  • Read a lot: We have heard this reading open up your thinking. When we read other blogger’s writing pieces, it inspires me. It is always good to learn from other’s strong areas, you might like a certain style of writing, presentation/narration.


  • Remove distractions : We are moms so answering your little one’s curiosity or fixing a quick snack for your older one is a part and parcel of our lives. I just mean, put your phone away. Many people put some soothing music on in the background to get their creative juices flowing.


  • Plan, plan, plan :  By now, you all must have understood this. For Alexa challenge, how many of you have made a strategy and planned your posts? And how many of you wrote as the challenge progressed. When you plan and do some homework, things are smooth and manageable. Same applies to freelance writing. Once you have a few clients under your belt, you should plan your projects and finish it off before the deadline.


Being a freelance writer, these practices have helped me so far in maintaining the flow of thoughts.

Good Luck with freelancing!!




About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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