26 days, 26 posts, and loads of reading and commenting. I am talking about BlogchatterA2Z – every blogger’s favorite and Blogchatter’s one of the most popular blogging challenges.
Coming up with one new post every day for 26 days – does this sound a little too much to you? Well, I will not convince you by saying that, don’t worry, it’s nothing like it, it is easy, or it will happen as you will get close to it. Because for BlogchatterA2Z writing 26 posts back to back and engaging on other posts at the same time is not a joke. But from my experience, I can say it is doable. If you plan it well then only the journey will be smooth. Yes. Think of BlogchatterA2Z challenge as a big event that you want to happen successfully. When you keep everything ready, then it helps in avoiding last-minute tension.

This post is for all the first-timers taking part in this challenge. I am sharing my 5 tried and tested tips for making BlogchatterA2Z experience memorable
- Keep your posts ready
- Engage on time
- Set daily targets
- Follow a theme (if possible)
- Enjoy the experience
1. Keep your posts ready
By ready, I mean you should be only one click away from publishing it. Your content, editing, creative – everything should be in place. The reason for this practice is one, you will be free from the thinking part, and two, it will help you focus on the engagement part. Some bloggers write every day a fresh post. There is nothing wrong with that, but I feel that it adds up to our stress level. It goes so fast that you won’t realize and you will be halfway through. But if your posts are 100% ready, then you will not be anxious. You will be able to enjoy the process, and also if anything else comes up on the personal or professional front, then also you can handle it.
2. Link & Engage on time
Don’t wait for the last minute to engage. If your posts are ready, then you only have to publish and link them every day (don’t forget to link after you publish it on your blog). Now you are free to engage. If you finish your engagement each day, then it will seem like your routine reading. Also, it will help you in leaving meaningful comments.
3. Set daily targets
Setting a target for myself has always worked for me. If I decide to engage on minimum 25 posts each day, then I still have time to engage on more.
4. Follow a theme (if possible)
I didn’t keep this point as the first one because not all bloggers follow a theme. Especially the first-timers or new bloggers, it looks challenging to think 26 posts on a theme. The theme is good if you are thinking of converting them into an e-book. Otherwise, depending upon your niche, you can stick to publishing the posts. But mostly, bloggers follow a theme. It helps the readers to have some idea about what the blogger is going to write. It works great if you have a strong fiction in mind or a collection of short stories.
Related: https://mothersgurukul.com/a2z-theme-reveal-2020-dollar-nation-ready-experience-west-eyes/
5. Enjoy the experience
Apart from writing non-stop for 26 posts, you should enjoy the experience. If you follow these points, I guarantee you that you will love this experience. I come across so many wonderful bloggers every year through these writing challenges. And in the end, when you will write your “Z” post, the feeling you will experience is so satisfying and memorable.
Related: https://mothersgurukul.com/z-zindagi-gulzaar-hai-zeal-keeps-zindagi-going/

If you have registered for BlogchatterA2Z2021 and you are clueless about how the entire experience will be, I assure you you will not regret your descision. And if you haven’t registered yet because you are in a dilemma about if you would be able to handle the pressure, follow these points. I am sure you will have a wonderful time.
Good luck!!
Thank you for the post. This is my first time and I am excitedly anxious
Good Luck!!
It’s my 1st time with blogchatter A2Z and I’m super stoked to be a part of it. I am set with my theme and topics have been shortlisted. I also planning to start writing from the 20th of april so I have a buffer time to write and read other blogs. I just hope it all goes well as planned.
Good Luck Hansa.
Planning is the key in this challenge and must say once blogger sets all the posts as drafts then the experience of April is truly unique with reading and promoting each letter day.
Yes absolutely.
All the tips are so important. Planning till engagement there is learning and fun in every step.
Valid points, Alpana.
Planning & time management are important.
Yes Anita. Both these can sail you through in A2Z.