12 simple habits for a clean home

Are you wondering what is the secret to have a clean home? 

Does cleaning your house, laundry, folding clothes, mopping, organizing seems a lot of work to you. Well, no one loves to do it. We all wish to have a magic wand to make this process easy for us. I feel that keeping a clean home is less about the time involved and more about creating some good habits.  

I don’t overdo the cleaning part. But there are a few habits which we all practice.  I do try to follow these 12 habits to keep my house clean and tidy. I promise – the more you do them, the easier it gets! If the list seems overwhelming to start with, pick one or two to get started and then add in more as you are able.

By using simple daily habits, you can keep your house clean. Consistency is key when it comes to cleaning. Once you have established these routines, you will begin to notice how much easier it is to keep up with your everyday cleaning tasks.

12 simple habits for a clean home

12 simple habits for a clean home

1. Cleaning as you go:

Clean as you go. This will help you in finishing up chores simultaneously. For example, if you are warming up milk to set yogurt, then clean the dishes or cups in the sink. Don’t wait for your sink to get filled with dishes. Same way, after you chop the veggies, remove the trash immediately and wipe the countertop. Putting things away as you go doesn’t take up much time, but it will make the difference between a tidy house and a messy house at the end of the day. 

2. Don’t put it away, put it back:

You would agree that many small objects lie down on our bed or side tables. We untie our ponytail while going to bed and leave the band on the side table. Or, after applying the moisturizer before going to bed, leave the bottle there. Next morning, we will apply moisturizer from the bottle and it will rest at the same spot. Instead, if you develop a habit of putting things back to their places after you are done using them, you will see a big difference. 

3. Never leave a room empty hand:

If you have young kids, then you would agree that even if they have a designated playing zone, but still their toys will be under the bed, on the bed, on the carpet, or on the table. If you see any such things, then don’t leave them there. As you move from one room to another (or from one floor to another), try to do a quick scan to see if there is anything that you can take with you that belongs where you are going.

Related article: Simple habits to have a clean house (if you have kids)

4. Divide your days into sections:

Depending upon your schedule, divide your day into sections. If you have outdoor chores during the day and you have a load of laundry to be done then, put the laundry in the morning and finish the folding part once you are back. I prefer folding my clothes while watching TV or listening to any podcast or music. 

5. Make a daily to-do list: 

Making a to-do list always helps me in keeping on track. When you know how your day looks, it is much easier to plan and divide your time accordingly. Also, having a to-do list will help you while dividing your day into sections. You will have a better idea about what tasks need to be done at what time.

6. Keep the counter tops clutter-free:

Counters are the most favorite spot for everyone. Almost every small object, like keys, letters, glass, cups, books, etc., finds its place on the counters. And the result is messy counters. If your countertops are clear, then you will see how organized it looks. It’s a small practice but can make a big difference.

7. Don’t settle on the couch until you finish your to-do list: 

We tend to take a short break while talking on the phone or replying to messages. And these short breaks sometimes make us lazy. That is why, until you finish all the chores planned for that day, do not settle yourself on the couch. When you relax after a productive day, you are sure to enjoy and cherish those moments.

8. Don’t postpone the cleaning: 

When you know that you will have to do it later, what’s the point to postpone the cleaning? You never know what tomorrow has in store for you. It is better to finish it off and enjoy a clean, mess-free house.

9. Involve your kids: 

You may underestimate our kid’s help. We want to clean up things and expect the least intervention of kids. But if we involve them while cleaning their rooms, ask for their help. They will learn the concept of cleaning and organizing, and you will have a company.

Related article: 15 secretes to cleaning with kids

10. No food in the room: 

In our house, we have a rule of not taking food in our rooms. Whenever we eat, it has to be on the dining table. If you can incorporate this rule from the beginning, believe me, it will help your kids in the long run. Once they get older, they will not agree to this.

11. Organize:

I cannot emphasize more the importance of organizing. Whether it be pantry, bathroom, or closets, organizing saves so much time. 

12. Make cleaning a habit, not a chore: 

When you think of cleaning as a chore, you will see it as a burden. But when you consider it a habit, then you will do it for your sanity. The difference is basic but good enough to change your perspective. 

Our home is the place that we nurture with love, warmth, and affection. It’s a place where we welcome guests; we make them a part of our life. And when this place is so special to us, it is our responsibility to keep it clean and welcoming.  

12 simple habits for a clean home
Image Credit: Unsplash/Samantha Gades


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

50 thoughts on “12 simple habits for a clean home

  1. Keeping your house clean is important for you and your family for many reasons.When your home is dirty or disorganized, it’s difficult to focus on the tasks you should be doing. U shared very useful things.Thank you.

  2. Wow these are great tips Alpana and luckily I follow most of these. I specially like the point no.12 and feel the same way. agree, when you think cleaning as a chore then it feels boring and pressurizing but when we make it a habit and part of our daily life, then it becomes easier to follow.

    1. Yes Surbhi. Most of the time, it is more about a burden how people see it. But who won’t like a nice smelling, organized house.

  3. Wow, you have shared some really easy doable ways. I follow many of these tips, especially scanning the room before leaving, clean on the go, no food in rooms. I just need to be more disciplined when it comes to preparing a to-do list.

  4. A clean home keeps us healthy and safe and so we all should that. We all should keep our home and office neat and clean

  5. I am someone who is very houseproud and love cleaning up myself. These are certainly the tips I would share, as I follow all of them myself. This would be such a helpful read for anyone who wants to keep their home clean, Alpana.

  6. Putting back is one thing I need my son to learn about. I will surely have a cleaner home then. Great pointers too are practical.

  7. It’s so important to maintain hygiene at home, loved the perfect and practical tips you have shared. These tips are really helpful for all.

  8. These are simple but great practical pointers to keep home clean. The point to involve kids for keeping home clean is very important. Also I dont allow food in bedroom.

  9. These are some wonderful and practical tips. Since the pandemic has hit us, we stopped our house-help and it became a challenge initially. However, now we have a routine and chores became a habit, not a burden. Loved these tips, will surely apply these in my daily routine.

  10. These are some valuable suggestions. I agree with the pointers majorly procrastination piles up the work load for me . We need to make cleaning as a habit and not chore

  11. Well said !!! I agreed this is correct. I am glad you shared that 12 simple habits for a clean home. I will gonna try it. Thanks for sharing👍

  12. After reading this article, I am glad to realize that I have adapted most of the habits here. As you have mentioned, cleanliness should not be considered as a chore, but should be adapted as a habit.

  13. Wonderful tips . Absolutely agree with you that if we make cleaning as a chore then it feels boring and pressurizing but when we make it a habit , then it becomes easier to follow.

  14. Don’t leave room empty handed is a great tip, pick and move and the task is done. I also involve kids in such tasks so that it’s done in fun way too. I play music while doing mundane tasks, so that energy is uplifted.

  15. Some very good tips to get room spick and span.I love how do able your tips are Alpana.The home is really never done, right?

  16. Sometimes cleaning and tidying the house looks like a very big task, for me, to-do list is a must. These are simple and doable habits that can be implemented to keep the home tidy daily.

  17. These are all good hacks to ensure a clean home always. As you have suggested, cleaning should be on the go, and of course, there should be no room for procrastination. The rule of not taking food to the rooms, makes a lot of sense too.

  18. These are some wonderful tips to have a clean home. Wondering why I could not think of those! In particular, I keep my house clean but I have a bad habit of picking things from one place and then not putting them back at their original location.

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