Pregnancy is All about Perspective

First of all, sorry for being away from my weekly posts. Reason being we are recently blessed with our second child. I had few topics in my mind so now I am starting to pen my thoughts through posts. My posts might get little late so please bear with me for few weeks. Here is the first topic in my list : “Pregnancy is all about perspective”.

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey that completes every womanhood. It gives a new identity to any woman. It also comes with many unexpected changes in the mother-to-be. Not only she goes through many body changes but hormonal changes also comes hand-in-hand. She herself is not prepared for these new guests. Doctor’s talk about postpartum depression, baby blues and how the new mom can cope up with them but even before the baby is born, these body changes along with hormonal changes puts any expectant mom in a weird state. People will tell you to go for a walk, workout, take a hot bath, get a healing massage, take deep breaths, relax by the pool, do yoga, listen to inspirational music. She wants to stay normal and take everything positively but she can’t help it. The culprit is none other than “her perspective”. Pregnancy is all about perspective. Yes, it is. I can say this very confidently because; we are recently blessed with our second child. When she knows what pregnancy will bring to her, it is easier for her to adjust to these changes. Let’s talk about how perspective helps.


pregnancy is all about perspective


Positive Attitude: Positive Attitude is the first and the foremost key. Staying positive all the time is challenging but that is what can make any pregnancy smooth to handle the emotional changes.


Yoga & Meditation: Yoga & meditation helps to focus on inner strength and build positive energies. It calms your mind and soul. Pranayam helps you gain focus on your breathing.


pregnancy is all about perspective

Soothing music: Soothing music has the magical effect to change your mood. Listening to soothing music while walking or doing households chores also calms your mind.


Talking to friends: We all need an outlet. Talking to friends or your dear ones’ diverts your mind. Sometimes we think what others are going to do but it helps. Sometimes half the battle is expressing how you feel.  Receiving sound advice is a bonus, but just sharing your emotions with someone or a group you trust, will make you feel better.


Me Time: When we talk about “Me Time”, it means taking some time out for you. Read book, scriptures is also something I highly recommend to disconnect from the outer and reconnect with the inner. Sleep when you feel like sleeping. I agree if you have older kids at home, it is little tough but even little naps do wonders.


Keeping yourself active: Don’t think that you have to restrict your activities because you are pregnant. Keep doing mild exercises if your health permits you; engage yourself in any hobby you like. Try out something new. I tried my hands on pottery painting with my friends.


Take each day as it comes… one day at a time. We have some fears deep down and especially when it comes to someone growing inside you. It is totally fine and natural. Very soon your bundle of joy is going to fill your lives with joy and happiness. Just think about it and you will be fine.


I tried my hands on pottery painting with my friends.


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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