“How do you prepare yourself before recording your podcast episode?” I have been asked this question a couple of times by co-bloggers who are interested in starting their channel but are in a dilemma about how they can prepare themselves mentally. By mentally I mean, reaching a comfortable state of mind where you can record calmly and in a balanced manner maintaining a positive tone throughout. In this episode, I will be answering all those doubts. After reading the post, if you still have any doubts, feel free to ask them in the comments. I would love to answer them. Podcast prep: what to consider before recording your first episode?
In any kind of public speaking, positive tone, proper pronunciation, pitch, tone, occasional pauses – all these plays a crucial role. A well-delivered piece can leave a long-lasting impact on the listener’s mind. It gives your listeners a reason to visit you again. Your podcast is your speaking home which you have to make welcoming so that your listeners want to come to you. Your efforts should be not only towards generating quality content but also delivering it effectively. Now you know why podcast prep is important?

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You should have answers to these two questions:
1.What are your going to record: this includes your content, script
2.How you are going to record: this includes audio settings, ambiance, any interruptions
- Have a script ready: Any subject you want to cover on your own should be one that you can speak freely about. When you know what you are going to talk, your thoughts will be channelized properly. It gives you a strong foundation and also confidence to speak.
- Read it: Alike any public speaking event when you go over your speech/ material and prepare yourself the same way, go over your script a couple of times before you are ready to record it. When you write, you write in a flow. But while talking, some sentences might not fit properly. By reading it, you would know the places to pause or change your tone or do pitch variations, etc.
- Sound natural: I believe in adding my personal touch to the matter. A lot of people over-plan or prepare. This makes the delivery sound scripted. It’s good to have a script or bullet pointers but don’t read it as if you are reading a speech and it takes away from the conversational feel you want to have. Make notes of any personal experience you want to add to the subject: It helps the listeners to better understand the scenario and increases the credibility.
- Don’t use too complicated terms: I like to write and speak in a language which is easy to understand and sounds more natural. Luckily, my niche allows me to keep up with this format. I understand sometimes, depending on your area/niche it is required to keep it formal and more professional.
This was about the content. Now let’s talk about voice, and setting part:
- Microphone: Deciding a proper distance from the microphone is very important. Typically, you want to be 2-3 inches from the mic and talking past it. make sure your microphone is pointed slightly away from your mouth to avoid sound spikes as much as possible.
- Is the room ideal for recording?: The space you’re using to record can make all the difference when it comes to audio quality. You want to choose a room that doesn’t have a heavy echo or allow in a lot of background noise. If it’s not possible to avoid these things, there are steps you can take to minimize them
- Would you be able to record your episode without being interrupted?: You know your busy hours. “When do you get time to record when you have other things to take care of?” That’s another question I get to hear. So, here is my answer. Before I sit to record, I make sure all the notifications have been turned off. It happened once when I was on the closing sentence of my episode, I got a message and since I forgot to turn off the sound, it came in the audio. I usually record when my kiddo naps or when they are at school. You should find your quite window and use it. And, of course, you want to make sure you have everything you need so you’re not the cause of the pause. That means your notes are nearby, you have a glass of water handy in case your voice starts to get scratchy, etc.
Recording an effective podcast isn’t something that just happens. It needs preparation from the content side and audio set-up. Along with this, there is something called comfort level with presenting your thoughts. A few initials rounds might not be a success but take your time and once you think that you are ready, press that record button and start. Good luck with your first recording.
With this podcast prep, you are surely to convert your dream and desire to record your episode into reality.
Good Luck!!
I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.