Melted crayon hearts on a no school day!! :)

Region Capture1           From last few weeks weather in Houston is getting pretty cold. Temperatures below freezing, ice, sleet and along with this no school. Neither we can go outside, nor can we call anyone over. When kids gets used to of going to school and doing something or other throughout the day then staying the whole day at home seems like a punishment to them. They are full of energy so they need an outlet. Last week when my daughter had no school, after doing some reading, writing, playing we baked nutella cake. Again this Tuesday, no school. So she asked me ‘what are we going to do Aai?’ as if she knew that I might have planned something for her.

    We all have a box full of broken crayons. The box keeps on filling and we don’t know what to do with them. Ok so.. this is what we did. This crayon craft was pending in my to-do list. I liked this craft as it is simple but entertaining for the kids to get in to. Tuesday was an ideal day for this craft. She was so excited:). She did the peeling and sorting and breaking part (all kids love to peel the paper off .:))and I did the baking part.

    I would say you really don’t have to wait for a no-school day for this. This can be a perfect project for any other day. Try it. I am sure you and your kid will love it.

    My daughter took them to her school to show it to her teacher and friends. And later, came home with a request from her friends that they want some of them so she packed few for them…:) I felt nice of her being kind and concerned towards her friend’s request. Regardless of how much we will be using these new crayons (she doesn’t want them to get small:)), both of us really had a great time creating these hearts.

 Our Crayon Hearts


 You will need:

  • Crayons
  • Silicon ice cube tray (ours was heart shape) – don’t plan on using it for baking again.

How to make them?

  • Pre-heat the oven at 350 degree F.
  • Separate the crayons by  color (we made two kinds: blue-green and pink-red-orange-yellow)
  • Peel the paper off around the crayons, if they are too big then break it in small pieces.


  • Fill the tray with these broken pieces.


  • Bake them for 10 minutes.  I set the silicon tray on a baking sheet and covered it with foil to guard against melted crayon.


  • Once the crayons are melted down completely, take the tray out of the oven. Now either leave it on the counter or put it in the freezer. (we kept it in the freezer)


  • Once they are set, remove them from the tray.
  • Your crayon hearts are ready.









About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

3 thoughts on “Melted crayon hearts on a no school day!! :)

    1. Thank you Joyce for stopping by. This has become my daughter’s favorite.You can use different shapes. It could be a great Goodie bag option too…:)

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