Defining TV Criteria: What to Watch & What to Avoid

Television. In most households, this digital cube has become the most popular member of the family. Yes or No? TV is pervasive and almost addictive. Coming home from a stressful day, we switch on the TV and forget about everything else. When friends are over, we feel television is a necessity. Even during dinner, in many households, TV is always there to entertain us. It has become so integrated in our daily routine. But who allowed this to happen? Consequently, it also finds its way into our children’s lives. Defining TV Criteria: What to Watch & What to Avoid has become a very important topic.

Screen time has gone up so much that today kids have almost forgotten to play outside and form social relationships. They find it less attractive option of spending time. Given an option, they prefer to watch a movie or a cartoon show than going out at somebody’s place or outdoors. I got back from my summer vacation. There I found, after a long summer day, when I was eagerly waiting to step out in the evening to take a walk or at least a stroll and meet some new faces, I was surprised to see that not many people were out of their houses. When I passed by their houses to the way towards the park, I could hear the TV sound from their houses. In the park, there were few people but all were elder crowd. Kids were there but not many.


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We all have heard these instructions from our kid’s pediatrician to restrict TV till 2 years. We have followed it religiously but what happened later when our kids passed that 2 years of bar? When we were growing up, I do not remember that we have spent our evenings sitting in front of TV. We used to play outside till it will get dark and we will get a call from home. Or we used to visit our family friends or they used to come to our place which means lot of social interaction and physical activities.


Watching TV is not bad but it shouldn’t take charge of our routine. Our day shouldn’t be planned according to the show timing. In addition to that, what our kids are watching is very important. Today kids are smart enough to search cartoons on their own. They do not need lot of instructions on how to use Netflix or Youtube. But when they get the remote control then it’s up to them. One search option gives them many other different options which they might get carried away with. Sometimes they want to watch the same cartoon that their friends have told them at school. Sometimes it’s okay but not always. Inappropriate shows promotes violence, distraction from study time (as they can’t concentrate) and plays key role in childhood obesity. We feel that kids don’t remember things for that long. But NO, they do. Even if they forget it for a while but whenever they encounter anything similar to what they have seen or heard on TV, they recall the whole episode.


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We have to decide how many hours will be allowed and what programming will you think appropriate? In deciding, consider the many fun activities available that do not involve computers or TV.


  • Decide TV time for your child.
  • Make conversation more important in your home.
  • Keep a watch what they are searching or watching and if possible watch at least one or two episodes before you add it to their watch list.
  • Have family movie nights occasionally.
  • Try to avoid having meals in front of TV. Turn off your TV during meals.
  • Keep TV out of kid’s room.
  • Don’t use TV as a reward for doing something or finishing up some work.


TV is a popular device in today’s culture so it cannot be easily ignored. Watching TV with your children and teach them to be media savvy is the very first step that we can teach them. Pour in your ideas that you think can be a part of this topic.



About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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