Where have those girly talks gone?- Part 1

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     I called my friend who has been blessed with a baby girl. Initially, we had some general talks, inquiring about our common friends etc. Then she asked me her first mommy question, then another and another. I was also excited to answer them. After all we were sharing some information. Things that helped me in upbringing my daughter, routine I used to follow etc. The phone call ended with a friendly goodbye.

     Few days ago, I had a chat with one of my family friends who is younger to me but we have always talked as same aged friends. After few minutes she paused and said what is all this we are talking about? What we used to discuss before and see what we are discussing now? (Yes, you guessed it right. You are also somebody’s mother. ) Earlier it used to be about classes, school, movies, dresses, friends (come on, we all have done little bit of secrets) and now it is mostly about kids, their classes, their school, their friends.

     I was discussing about this topic with my mom. I asked her- we say priorities changes with time. Any new addition changes our outlook and perspective. For example when we get married, we have so many new people added to our lives but still most of our talks remain unchanged. Then just with THIS ONE ADDITION how come the overall picture gets a new shade? She said THAT’S WHAT MOTHERHOOD IS. This one line gave all the answers. She said for a mother her child holds the top position in her priority list.

     Very true, nurturing and guiding an ever-changing child is not like homework, a checklist of domestic chores or an assignment that has to be finished before the deadline. It is an art as well as a skill that every woman embraces with all its glories and challenges. One quote on Motherhood says ‘A Mother’s Greatest Masterpiece Is Her Child’. Alike a painter who is always in search of good ideas, inspiration for his next painting, being a mom we too are in a constant search for good ideas, information that we can pass on to our kids. That is the reason why all our talks somewhere, somehow are related to them. In this article, even I have started with general talks but look what I ended up into? – Motherhood, Kids..

Let’s talk about the things that have helped me as a new mom in my next article….


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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