The first thing we do after or before entering the temple is ringing the bell. We say the reason why we feel powerful and at peace when we enter any temple or holy place is due to the purity and serenity in the environment. We feel uplifted the minute we step our foot inside the temple. It is because of the vibes. So, what creates those vibes? Is it the infrastructure? Is it because of the pictures of God-Goddesses or Idols? Well, its everything put together which creates a magical effect.

These bells are made in such a way that when they produce a sound it creates a unity in the Left and Right parts of our brains. The moment we ring the bell, it produces a sharp and enduring sound that lasts for a minimum of 7 seconds in echo mode. I read somewhere that these 7 seconds are enough to activate the 7 healing centers (7 chakras – Base of the spine, Sacral, Solar-plexus, Heart, Throat, Third-Eye, Crown) of our body.
Infrastructure does play a big role. The idol of God is set in the core center of the temple, known as “Garbhagriha” or “Moolasthanam”. Ideally, the structure of the temple is built after the idol has been placed in a high positive wave centric place. Also, when we walk barefoot, positive vibrations pass through our feet to the body.
It is the power of mantra, chanting, yagnya, and along with this our self-being and our thoughts. Mantra, scriptures, and the ambiance inside such places is so magnetic and charismatic that one cannot leave the place without getting influenced and touched.
While searching for an image for #WordlessWednesday, I came across this picture on Pixabay. I was in double mind whether to use it or not. I liked the picture a lot so saved it. It was Sunday and we have Chinmay Mission every Sunday, so I went there and to my surprise, that session helped me in making up my mind to write on this image. They were chanting Mahishasuramardini Stotram. I didn’t know the lyrics so I was just listening to it. But after some time, the tune, the words and the ambiance it has created forced me to google the lyrics and I joined the chanting. I have never chanted this stotram. But the repetition of words, the rhythm, and the vibes it was creating was amazing. Temple bell, agarbatti, and fresh flower..that are what I can visualize seeing this picture.
It’s been 14 years, I have been living in the USA and this incident may not sound very special to many of you. But being away from India, we look for such mini moments when we get the opportunity to stay connected to our culture. When we get to witness such moments then it’s special. I am not sure, if I were in India, whether I would have similar thoughts or not. It may have been a part of our lives but it may not have been the ones that can compel me to write a post on it.
What do you feel when you hear the temple bell or sound of mantra? Or what were your thoughts seeing this image?
If you want to read more on the power of mantra here is a very good article.
This post is a part of #WordlessWednesday hosted by Natasha and Esha.