Tag Archives: mothersgurukulwrites
Celebrating 50 episodes with a look back
In January, I celebrated the first birthday of Baton Baton Mein and shared my experience ever since I started this show. I didn’t realize that with my last weeks recording, Baton Baton Mein completed its 50th episodes. To me, it is a significant milestone. No doubt, recording something in Hindi was one of the reasons.… Read More
Why am I proud to be called a mommy blogger?
“I am a blogger” – I get mixed reactions when I say that I am a blogger. Some ask me genuine and meaningful questions like my profile as a blogger, how I got into this field, how I get paid, etc. And when they get their answers, there is a wow expression on their faces.… Read More
12 simple habits for a clean home
Are you wondering what is the secret to have a clean home? Does cleaning your house, laundry, folding clothes, mopping, organizing seems a lot of work to you. Well, no one loves to do it. We all wish to have a magic wand to make this process easy for us. I feel that keeping a… Read More
Patna 800020, A Family Drama Unfolds by Daisy Bala
Sometimes, you read a book and feel that everything is happening in front of your eyes. In short, you visualize the characters, their conversation. Something similar happened to me when I read Patna 800020 written by Daisy Bala. When I first heard the title, I thought it to be a mystery novel. But to my… Read More