As I say Goodbye to MyFriendAlexa 2017

Being a writer, we all want to grow and make our writing skills more effective. And it can only be possible through writing as much as we can. Writing challenges gives us that opportunity and platform to write and get connected to others in the same field. One such challenge is MyFriendAlexa by Blogchatter. It is India’s first and World’s Second only Blogging event.

It’s the final week going on of this writing challenge MyFriendAlexa. So, as I say goodbye to MyFriendAlexa2017, I want to share the little things I enjoyed from this challenge.


As i say goodbye to MyFriendAlexa
Photo Credit: James Baker


It started on September 1st. This was my first writing challenge and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was reading posts from other bloggers who have already participated in MyFriendAlexa earlier. But I had no clues what exactly it is. I came to know about it, in a general chat with a fellow blogger Vasantha Vivek . And I registered myself.

Then came the Hurricane Harvey week and we had to evacuate. Coincidently, the challenge started during that week only. I was almost going to say no to myself as I couldn’t finish the pre-requisites, writing was totally out of question. Earlier I was waiting for the challenge to start but now I felt why it had to start this time. But I guess God understood my thoughts on not giving up on what I had committed. Finally, after getting back home safely, I finished the pre-requisites first and then my first two posts.

As per the guidelines, we had to write 2 posts per week and read 4 posts per day of the other bloggers which means 28 posts per week. Initially it seemed like a task. I felt how am I going to bring out topics very week and find time to write with so much reading meant for Alexa and along with my other writing? But as the weeks passed by it felt more fun than pressure. I used to wait for the time when I can read and pen down my thoughts for next post.

MyFriendAlexa is mainly to improve your website’s ranking. But I see it more about getting more disciplined in terms of writing schedule and getting to know other bloggers and learning from them. It is about motivating each other to keep going. We have raced with each other in finishing up the reading list; we have answered to the texts of other friends on odd hours; we pushed each other in meeting deadlines. Overall we were there for each other. Before I say goodbye to you, I would like you to check out the posts I have shared of the other bloggers on twitter.

Goodbye Friends ! Goodbye MyFriendAlexa!

Happy Reading!!

I am taking my Alexa Rank to the next level with #Blogchatter…….#MothersGurukul


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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