I’m thrilled to be participating in a five day ‘LOL-a-thon’ organised by ‘The Momsteins’. Join us to read some wonderful letters written by 26 cool bloggers. Stay around to read some amazing letters coming up. For today’s prompt “Letter to An Unanimated Object”, I can think of only one object and that is something which instilled the habit of writing in me. It helped me to pen down so many thoughts when I wasn’t using computer as I do today. It is none other than My Dear Pen. Mr. Pen, yes, you are my hero for today’s post and I never imagined I will write a letter to you but the truth I have written so much with your help.
My Dear Pen,
You must be surprised to see my letter. You must be thinking how come today, I remembered you? But first, let me say sorry to you for not checking on you time to time. I know nowadays, I am getting more and more friendly to computer and keyboard but believe me, I haven’t forgotten your contribution into my writing. You have always been an integral part of my writing journey. I wrote my first independent speech with your help. I got so many pens as gift and my favorite used to be Ink Pen. Yes, I loved writing with an Ink Pen. Then, Gel Pens and Ball Point Pens took the place of Ink Pens and later this big screen in front of me on which I am writing a letter to you took the charge of every kind of writing. I know, it looks much fancy than a simple pen but I miss you. I miss writing with you. Whenever I get a chance, I just go and grab you.
So today, I want to tell you how much I value you. I cannot explain how much you have helped me in bringing out my feelings and pouring out my thoughts. I cannot guarantee you that I will come and see to you more regularly but I can assure you one thing. Whenever I will get time, I will stop by and take you for a short walk.. So friend, please bear with me. Till then.
Have a nice day!!
Yours lovingly,
Writer/Blogger friend Alpana