Actually, nothing. Don’t take me wrong. I do think about my kid’s future. Then why don’t I have any dreams for them? Let me explain to you. It’s because they should be living their dreams. Right? And not mine. But yes, I do wish for a few things. I wish “to be their pillar of strength.” I do not have any specific dream(s) for my children. I do not see them fulfilling my dreams and desires but I see them living their lives to its fullest, giving their best in whichever field they step into. And if by any chance they see some setbacks, they should have the trust that they will not be judged. Their Aai-Baba is always there for them.

While I am writing this post, two songs are playing in my mind. These are two of my favorite songs. “Aashayein from movie Iqbal” and “Yeh Honsla Kaise Jhuke from the movie Dor”. I feel these two songs give the gist of whatever I feel when I talk about my dreams that I have for my children. Today’s world is not as easy as it used to be when we were growing up. Today, I know, my children might have to face challenges, there will be a lot of competition at every step but while undergoing that process, I can only think of them being on the right path. I see them giving their best and not getting disheartened by failures or occasional setbacks.
Every parent dreams for their children to get success, to excel in every field. Well, I don’t want them to just be successful rather I want them to understand the true meaning of success. I want them not to just run towards the finishing line but also enjoy and understand why they are doing what they are doing. And in that process, even if they fail, that’s okay. This will bring them one step closer to become a person of good character and strong values. I dream for them to excel in their chosen field of endeavor but not on the cost of using someone else as their stepping stone. I wish they should understand the importance of hard work and discipline. Because when they will strive for success with their continuous efforts, the satisfaction they will get in the end will be priceless. So….
Letter of Dreams : what this mom dreams for her mixed-doubles?
My Dear Shreya & Om,
Holding you for the first time was such a wonderful feeling that I cannot express into words. I don’t want to sound like a mom from movies saying that you will understand when your time will come. But it is true. Shreya, now you will be turning 12 next year and Om 4 years, I want to take a moment to tell you how precious both of you are to me and Baba. You taught us the true meaning of unconditional love. You made us a better version of ourselves. You filled our nest with your giggles, laughter, and chit chats. Just like every other parent, we too have a vision for both of you but that is not to make your vision blurry. We want you to follow your dreams with a clear vision. We want you to understand the difference between right and wrong; we want you to understand the true meaning of happiness. Because by the time you will reach a point when you can make your own choices, many things, any priorities must have been changed. That time, we wish you to have clarity in your thoughts, trust in your sincere efforts, readiness for hard work, commitment towards your work and respect for others. If you have these values then no matters where you will be, you will never go wrong. My dream is to see you fulfilling your dreams. That’s all. I am very much sure you will make us proud. Stay blessed always!!
Prompts: A letter to your child and What dreams do you have for your child?
This post is a part of #Children’s day blog train hosted by www.prernawahi.comand