Let’s make our Friendship Day Memorable: 7 ways to reconnect with our old friends

Yes, it’s that time of the year again when the markets flourish with colorful bands, racks fills with friendship day cards and gifts to send to your friend and tell them how much you love them. But don’t you think it’s time to do something different and make this International Friendship’s Day a memorable one?


Let's Make Our Friendship Day Memorable7 ways to reconnect to our old friends


In today’s digital world, everything is becoming so quick and instant that we have almost lost the touch to have a long conversation with our friend in-person. Do you agree? Let’s be honest with ourselves. Nowadays, we are getting so much used to of texting but we try to excuse ourselves from calling. “Who has that much of time to have a phone call? I will rather text. That’s convenient.” Aren’t these our thoughts on many occasions? We are fine with having 10 messages back and forth but we don’t want to talk for 5 minutes. Why? I will leave this for you to answer.


Today, let’s make a promise to ourselves. Nothing big, nothing complicated. Make a promise to call your friend(s) at least once a week. On their birthdays, don’t text them, call them. Believe me it makes a big difference.


Not able to figure out why have you lost the touch with a dear friend who you used to consult on every small problem? There is no special trick to getting back in touch. Go put yourself out there. Talk to them. Ask them. Sometimes, we have to take the first step. Who knows your friend must be in the same mind state.


Don’t make up your own stories: Human brain is an expert at making stories. Not all stories need worth occupying the memory space. So, delete them. And if you are fond of making stories, make good ones, have the good stories in your memory space. People are often delighted to hear from an old buddy out of the blue. After all, you did once get along with them well enough to become friends. That doesn’t happen with just anyone.


Many people claim that they don’t have enough time to stay caught up with friends, If your life is busy with family, career and current friends, your old friends are probably in the same boat. It is not necessary to catch up with all in one week. But take the first step. There are a few ways that may help you reconnecting with your old or say friends you have lost touch.


  • First of all, Call them. Internet can be your friend. People keep on updating their details on Linkedln, Facebook. Ask any common friend. Get their number and call them.


  • Don’t start your conversation in a complaining manner: “Where are you? No news? I thought you have forgotten me” We often start our conversation in a complaining tone. When you have called your friend, try to set up a concerning atmosphere rather than complaining about not being in touch.


  • Don’t expect they will remember each and every detail about you: Be honest. Do you remember everything about them?


  • Be honest about not being in touch: Don’t apologize but show something to make them feel you really wanted to reconnect with them.


  • Keep your talks casual: Since you are meeting after a gap, don’t try to get into their comfort zone. Talking about their well-being and family is enough.


  • Fix your next meeting: I am sure by now, you two will be starting to enjoy your chat and recollecting old memories. It won’t be a bad idea to fix your next meeting. Maybe with your family and kids (if applicable)


  • Don’t forget to thank your friend for taking out time: I know it sounds formal but sometimes this gesture is required.

Friends are more likely to fall out of touch if they’re not able to hang out at least semi-regularly. Emails and phones calls are nice and all, but what we really value is that in-person interaction

So, what do you want to say? Do you have any such friend(s) you want to reconnect? What are you waiting for? You know what will be your first step.

I hope this year, you will do something different and make this friendship day a  memorable one.


Friendship day

This post is a part of #FriendshipBlogTrain hosted by www.flavorsofworld.com and www.throughmypinkwindow.com. Read 20 awesome articles by the popular bloggers on India. So come on and join us to celebrate the most beautiful bonding-Friendship.

Thanks Parag of for introducing me. Our next station is http://www.everylittlethinghappiness.com  where Kapila is waiting for us with her thoughts.



About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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