Embarking on a new journey as a parent and kids life coach & answering some commonly asked questions

Parenting has always been my niche, and I wanted to use this experience backed up with professional knowledge. And the Universe heard my desire. I had one more reason to start the certification. However, for answering parents’ doubts or concerns, it was important to understand how kids think and also make the parents aware of it. So, I decided to pursue both certifications.

I am excited to announce that I have completed both certifications and am excited to embark on this journey as a certified parent and kids life coach. Earlier, I studied topics related to NLP, Emotional Intelligence, and Personal Transformation, and that knowledge contributed a lot while studying for the Parent and Kids’ Life Coach certification. I have already conducted a couple of one-on-one & group sessions, and the response was fulfilling.

A couple of months ago, I was surprised to read one of the group chats about how an elementary schooler was solving Math problems in her dreams. It may sound funny, but it is also something serious. My first reaction was poor child, she can’t even sleep well. And the second thought was how her parents must have reacted to this. I quoted this example because, around the same time, I was looking for a life coaching certification catering to parents and kids. And this incident clicked something substantial within me.

For the last couple of years, I have been noticing an increase in the anxiety level of parents. Parents of young children are also experiencing tremendous pressure and anxiety. Being a mother to 16 & 8 years old, I have experienced the stages of toddler, tween, and teen. Lately, I have seen a significant shift in the parents’ and kids’ tolerance levels. When my daughter was in elementary school, things were pretty manageable, and parents were less anxious about their performance, peer pressure, social influence, or kids’ emotional well-being. But now, I feel things have changed.

There is a strong need to help parents and kids understand their emotions. I am not saying I alone can change it, but with some tools and strategies, I can help them navigate their journey and find a balance in their actions. When they face any parenting challenge that is beyond their capacity, they don’t need the counselor’s intervention. They only need a push and some guidance. And that’s where Parent and Kids Life Coaching comes into the picture.

Related article: Developing emotional literacy

Embarking on a new journey as a parent and kids life coach & answering some commonly asked questions
Source, Edits: pixabay, canva

On one hand, setting up a sleep routine, developing healthy eating habits, or setting behavioral boundaries seems daunting for new parents. And on the other hand, parents of teenagers have different reasons for anxiety. When talking about kids then, it ranges anywhere from low self-confidence, lack of focus, fear of failure, and peer pressure to heartbreaks & self-image . These concerns are real. Parents are not able to match their kid’s pace. There is a clash between thinking. Parents try to implement their parents’ style, but it widens the gap in their relationship. Trying to be flexible with the rules and accommodate the new way of parenting clashes with their own value system. Someone with professional knowledge and expertise can make this dilemma easy to handle.

You are not alone if you have never heard of parent & kids coaching or a parent/kids life coach.

Here are some frequently asked questions about parent and kids life coaching,

What is a parent and kids life coaching?

Parent & kids coaching is a partnership between parents/kids and a coach to help create change in their life, which allows change in their child’s behavior & their own perspective. Being a Certified Parent & kids Coach means I have completed an extensive certification program to help parents & kids with all challenging situations. 

How is parent and kids life coaching different from therapy?

  • Therapy typically addresses issues in a client’s background and seeks to work through those issues until the client has found some “closure.”
  • Therapy frequently uses diagnoses and can last anywhere from weeks to years.
  • Parent coaching looks forward, deals in the present, seeks to educate and does not diagnose.
  • Parent coaching uses tools and the most current research to help you gain the skills you need to parent your child.

A Coach focuses on the present, everyday challenges and co-creates strategies and solutions with the client, and a therapist focuses on emotional healing and functionality. S(he)focuses on hands-on parenting solutions and real-life applications. A coach provides guidance for daily life parenting struggles.

How could I benefit from parent and kids life coaching?

If you feel like you lack parenting support, need a parenting guide who can help you figure out what to try next with your child, or your child just doesn’t respond to “typical” parenting advice, a parent coach can help. I empower both parents & kids by helping them find the right parenting solutions that work for their child.

Are parent and kids life sessions held in person or virtually?

I offer virtual, telephonic, or in-person coaching.

Are the results guaranteed?

My goal is to work with you to teach you parenting tools that will change your relationships and your child’s behavior. Coaching works on a co-creative relationship between coach and client. Success depends purely on how sincerely you practice the parenting tools and techniques I teach you in your everyday life with your child.

What is the duration?

That depends on you and your goals. But typically, it can vary anywhere between 3 and 6 months. While each parent/caregiver, child, and challenge have unique circumstances, most challenging behaviors can be improved in 4 to 8 sessions. If the client does not follow the activities, I ask the client to take a break and resume when they are ready.

How often do I need to attend the sessions?

The more consistently you apply my techniques and tools, the quicker you will notice results. Typically, there is one session each week. If needed, the coach will give a one-week break as a reflection time.

Final words!

Parenting is a blissful journey; to experience its unlimited joy, we must be clear in our thoughts. As we juggle several responsibilities, sometimes we experience dilemmas. If you are looking for a friend who can help you find balance, feel free to reach out to me.


About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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