This is the final week of the Write Tribe Pro blogger Challenge. As I sat down to draft today’s post around the prompt which was “Put your iPod on shuffle/turn on the radio to your favorite station. Write a post using the song as your prompt”, I could think of only one song that I heard couple of minutes ago on our local radio station. The first song tuned in was happened to be one of my favorite songs. It was “Aashayein” from the movie “Iqbal”. I would say, this whole movie is in this one single song. It conveys a very practical message of not loosing hope even in tough situation. To see the brighter side. I played it again and wrote this post. Aashayein is plural for Asha, which means hope. Hence, Aashayein means Hopes.

Let’s talk about Hope today. What is Hope? Why we believe so much on this 4 letters word. Why it gives us power to keep going? Hope is a desire accompanied with the expectation of something will happen. It’s a feeling of trust. And that trust motivates us all the time. If we believe, everything will come true. If we have trust that things will be better someday, we can sail through any situation. But even if we know this, our mind gets disappointed with small set-backs. Why? Because we try to find that belief, that hope outside. The reality is, it is within us.
I think, the “Aashayein” song applies on almost all of us. I will give you my own example. It’s been 11 years, I have been in USA. I always wanted to work in Human Resource. I did work for sometime in India but after I came to USA, life was different. Knowing the fact that being on H4 visa means I will not able to work, I started to indulge myself in different hobbies. But still somewhere I wanted to do something different, more fulfilling, more productive, more satisfying. Then I got back into writing and there it was. Now, when I look back, my MothersGurukul journey is one of the most satisfying things of my life in USA so far. In this entire journey, I had hope, I had trust that things cannot be that bad, I have to and I will find the trigger which will be my sunshine.
Most of the time, our path is right in front of us. We keep on wondering why things are not happening when they are supposed to happen? Why they are not happening in our desired manner? But God has a plan for each one of us and he gives us courage to face the situation. That doesn’t mean we should be totally dependent on God. But if we put our heart and soul in achieving our goal, the destiny will show us the path to accomplish it. Nothing is impossible.
As with sunset, there is a hope of a beautiful morning, same is our life. Today may not seem to be in our favor but tomorrow will come with vibrant colors. Those who understand Hindi, can follow the song from the youtube link. For others, I tried to translate it in English. Do listen t this song. Its beautiful.
The wish to acquire something
Some specific yearnings
Every attempt should have the strength
To rend seas asunder
Rip the storms
And seize your destination
Let your heart’s desires blossom
And your hopes smile
Now nothing is difficult
Nothing at all
Let your happiness soar
And take you with it
To paradise
Where your every wish is fulfilled
Hope every night passes thus
Where you get to talk to your desires
Take the fire from the sun
And sing your own song
Do something with your life
that pleases even the Gods
So, I hope I lite the light of hope in you through this song and the post. What is your favorite song that inspires you?
I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge
#writebravely #writetribeproblogger