Choosing Books for Children


choosing books for children

How are you all doing? It’s been quite a few days I have posted anything. There were lot of things going on at the same time. And I couldn’t post on scheduled time. Now, I am back working on my posts. I am keeping it simple today and picked a simple yet important topic – “Choosing Books for Children.” Children of all ages benefit when parents share books with them. When it comes to choosing books for our children, selection is endless which makes us bit confused. Through today’s post, I am sharing what I have learned from my personal experience and through various sources about choosing books for children.


The Very Young

(From newborn to Age 3)

We usually feel that whats the use  of reading to a new born? They are not going to understand anything. But even infants loves the different sounds, tone variations and respond to those sounds. Publications entitled “Babies and Books” are good to read to children from birth to age 2.


choosing books for children


Children aged 2-3 like…

  • Nursery rhymes; picture books about animals, other children and familiar things.
  • Lots of contrast in the illustrations, as with bright primary colors or simple black and white.
  • Repetitive phases. Look for books with large, realistic pictures in colors with limited text.
  • The story should be simple and short if you plan to read it aloud. Young ones have less attention span. You can select a long illustrated story if it can be “read” by the child through pictures.


choosing books for children

The Pre-School Child

Books help pre-school children build foundation that prepares them to learn to read when they are ready. Books that fosters phonological awareness (ability to hear and play with smaller sounds in words), vocabulary (knowing the names of things), narrative skills (ability to describe things and events in the story) and letter recognition is best suited for the kids of this age. Familiar nursery rhymes and verse; picture-story books about animals that talk, the world around them and children of their age.

  • Concept books (books about numbers, letters, shapes, colors)


Children aged 4-5 like…

Pictures always attract children. Books having colorful pictures, a story with action, humor or a special interest for the child can be a good option.


choosing books for children


Children aged 6-7 like…

By this time, children have become independent readers. Few of them have also started reading chapter books. Every child has a different reading level and interest. Pick a book that will challenge these budding readers and motivates them to read more.

  • Fairy and magical tales, everyday people and activities.
  • Information on animals, nature and science.


Age of Change

Children aged 8-9 like…

  • Information books become more popular at this age, as child’s interest grows. Biographies, tall tales, adventure, simple mysterious attracts them.
  • Collection of stories with short chapters is a good choice.

I will stop here as I still have to experience the stages next to this age group..:)


Spending time reading together will not only make children feel good about book but also increase their reading level by improving their vocabulary and story sense. Reading aloud shows your child what fluent reading is, which makes independent reading easier for them. So, enjoy this time together. Happy reading and happy parenting!!

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About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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