The literal meaning of aspiration is “a hope or ambition of achieving something.” We as parents have certain (okay, let’s be honest, many aspirations from our children). Parenting under normal circumstances is challenging. Then throw a pandemic into the picture, and it’s at the next level. Kids act because they are bored, they don’t want to listen to our guidelines all the time of washing hands, maintaining social distancing, not watching too much TV, etc. etc.

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On the other hand, we are also acting up because we are also bored and frustrated. But I feel every situation has a silver lining to it. We only have to see that lining. Our current circumstances have given us a chance to reconsider our options, re-think our actions, choices, and make a check of our expectations and hopes as a parent. Yes, I said expectations and hopes or going by the above definition then aspirations. Just because we are in lockdown, that doesn’t mean we should start testing our limits or expect way too much from ourselves and our children. Today, when kids are doing online learning, we cannot expect them to spend hours on their studies just because they are not getting an in-person session. For theirs and our sanity, we need to keep our aspirations in control. On the other hand, we should also keep the number in control when it comes to making our to-do list.
- We expect too much of ourselves: Sometimes, we expect a little too much from our kids. And sometimes, we start expecting too much of ourselves. We expect our kids to respond to the way we do a situation. But we are all different and so are our kids. Lowering our expectations is hard when we’re constantly comparing ourselves or our kids to others, which is easy to do even in lockdown. Thanks to social media. We see our friend’s pictures on Instagram, Whatsapp, and we feel they are doing so much and making the best of their time. We envy their children for being obedient because that’s what we see.
- Limit the advice: These days, social media is flooded with tips of homeschooling, keeping up with fitness routine at home, keeping kids entertained, kitchen hacks, and much more. This is done with a very good intention, but all this seems very over-whelming. Give yourself permission to ignore advice that doesn’t sit right with you. The best thing you can do during this lockdown period is to honor yourself, how you think, what you believe, and who you are. You will be tempted to take into account what your best friend would do, or what the YouTube expert would do but do what you think is best for you.
- Don’t over-think about kids’ IQ, take into consideration their EQ as well: By not doing math worksheet for one day is not going to make them weak in Math. If they want to draw something or want to do doodling, then let them do it. Emotional growth is significant for kids of all ages. Skills like problem-solving, strategizing, and concentrating are much more significant determinants for success in life than IQ alone.
- Living in the present: Our present is today. We are in a pandemic situation. It is stressful, it is scary, but can we change it? No. Can we get rid of it? No. So what can we do? Live in the present. We all want things to get back to normal, but by stressing about it, or feeling bad about what all we could have done pre-corona days is not going to help us.
Now and then, I am watching in the news how people are struggling to meet their basic needs, expecting women and small kids have no choice than to walk miles with their family to find a livelihood. It just breaks my heart. Right now, for them, their only expectation is to provide basic needs to their family. And the only aspirations they have from their kids is they should be able to cope up with the tough times. Every parent has some aspirations, they have a vision for their kids. But depending upon time and circumstances, we need keep a check on them not just for our kids but also for ourselves.
Stay safe, stay happy, and stay healthy!!