It’s time for the Theme Reveal of #BlogChatter A2Z
Wow..what a start for #A2Z writing challenge. In the middle of COVID-19, we will be sharing our posts and giving each other a lot of moments to make use of the time we have. As they say, there is always something good in everything, so this is my good in this situation. I can use the morning school rush time to draft my posts. I am sure we all will remember this A2Zchallenge. So, let’s get started. This post is for the #A2Z theme reveal 2020 of my series.
For every blogger/writer, writing or blogging is not just about their posts but also how well they can perform under pressure, how others are writing and what they can learn from them, and also making new connections. When we meet like-minded and talented bloggers, then the motivation that we get, the positivity that is created, and the inspiration that we find from other’s posts are valuable. It’s time for Blogchatter A2Z 2020. Blogchatter is one of my favorite platforms that comes up with something interesting every time. Last year I couldn’t participate in A2Z due to personal commitments, but this year I am all charged up.
So, its time to reveal the theme now. A few of my friends thought that I might pick Podcasting or Self-Publishing as my theme but no. My theme for# A2Z 2020 is not related to either of these.

While deciding the theme, one theme which I felt would be enjoyable to my readers is letting my readers see the USA through my eyes or should I say my posts. Yes, I have been in the USA for 14 years, and I think this period is good enough to let others know what exactly living in the USA is like. It’s not always about what we see on TV shows or in vlogs.
USA is not just about big malls, highways, sky scrapers and wide roads. It’s more than this. It is also about how much we miss India on many occasions. You can call it behind the scene moments. One can experience those things only after living here for a good amount of time. Every new place teaches us many new things. We create memories with people and build our small world.
“Dollar Nation – are you ready to experience the west through my eyes?” is a compilation of my experiences so far in the USA. This country has taught me a lot and introduced me to many new things. But at the same time, it has never weakened the ties to my home country. I think I started to see India and understood it in a more matured way. Neither it is a comparison, nor about pointing out what is good or what is bad, but it is about how each one of us has a different outlook and way of looking at things.
I will be sharing things that I have found new here, things from which we can learn a lot and moments when I miss India a lot. It will be like a mirror that will give you glimpses of the USA. It could be a guide for new comers or for those who are going to come to the USA. I hope you will like this series. I am pretty excited to share my experiences with you in#A2Z 2020.
Enjoy!! See you soon..