Can you eat eggs during pregnancy? There are several thoughts that runs in the background when we think about this question. The pregnancy period is the most crucial period for a woman and everything she eats during those nine months has to be taken at most care. Consuming anything during pregnancy can have various effects on a woman’s body both positively as well as negatively.
This is the biggest myth that eggs are known to build muscles as they contain protein but the truth is that it also contains a high amount of other nutrients that are very good for a human’s body. And hence there are many benefits of eating egg during pregnancy.

When it comes to a non-vegetarian diet, eggs are considered to be one of the most convenient and healthy options. Eggs when consumed during pregnancy have multiple benefits. It is also known as a super food as it is loaded with a lot of nutrients.
Multiple health benefits of eggs are underrated and people are unaware of them. In this article we try our best possible to bring you a few of the benefits of eating egg during pregnancy.
General Health benefits of egg those are underrated
Egg contains nutrients
In the category of most nutritious foods, Eggs top the list. One boiled egg contains 6% of vitamin A, 5% folate 7% vitamin B5 9% vitamin b12 15% vitamin b2 9% Phosphorus and 22% selenium.
Apart from this, it is also loaded with calcium, zinc, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin D.
Eggs are healthy fat
Eggs contain 5 grams of healthy fat and 6 grams of protein. It is said that eggs have almost every nutrient that the human body requires. Omega 3 enriched eggs are considered to be the healthiest option.
Eggs are excellent for brain health
People might not know this but vitamin B also aids brain function, and egg yolks are a quite good source of vitamin B. They ensure that you are more focused and concentrated on your goal.
Eggs are good for the heart
It is indeed high in cholesterol as one single egg contains 212 mg but it is said to be the richest source of high-density lipoprotein (HDL). And people with high levels of HDL have lesser risks of any heart disease.
Eggs help in keeping your eyes healthy
Eyes are the most affected organs when aging hits. However, since eggs are rich in antioxidants they act as anti-aging.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin are present in eggs which help in maintaining eye health and this is confirmed in the Journal Clinics in dermatology.
Eggs helping weight loss
Since eggs are quite filling to the stomach you tend to eat fewer calories and that helps in weight loss. Since protein is the most Satiating macronutrient, it satisfies your hunger very quickly and when you eat fewer calories you automatically start losing weight.
As it is said that eating anything beyond limitations can have harmful effects, the same is the case of eggs. Eating 3 eggs in a day is considered to be a safe option however you can increase the intake as per your body requirement after seeking consultation from a nutritionist or dietitian.
Now what we just discussed were the general health benefits of eggs but did you know that for Baby’s overall development: A pregnant woman needs to eat a protein-rich diet that can help the baby to develop. It is said that a pregnant woman should eat 42-70 grams of protein and one egg contains 7 grams of protein. Eating 2 boiled eggs in a day will help to increase the protein intake without adding fat. Eggs are also a super food for pregnant women?
Eating eggs during pregnancy can do wonders for a woman. Here is why –
Benefits of eating egg during pregnancy
1. Eggs help in stabilizing blood sugar: As eggs are considered to be low in carbohydrates and low glycemic index they can help to stabilize your blood sugars.
2. Baby’s overall development: A pregnant woman needs to eat a protein-rich diet that can help the baby to develop. It is said that a pregnant woman should eat 42-70 grams of protein and one egg contains 7 grams of protein. Eating 2 boiled eggs in a day will help to increase the protein intake without adding fat.
3. Eggs promote a baby’s brain development: Mineral choline and Omega 3 fatty acids both are present in eggs which helps in the overall brain development of the baby. It also helps in preventing neural tube defects in vitro.
4. Eggs help in preventing anemia: A woman goes through a lot during her pregnancy period especially mood swings and body aches. In such a situation to feel energized throughout the pregnancy, increasing iron intake is very important as the body uses iron to make extra blood for the mother as well as the baby. Eating eggs help to create extra blood in the body and also helps to prevent anemia.
5. Eggs are sustainable and versatile: A woman goes through a lot of food cravings during her pregnancy and eggs are the perfect meal to fulfill all the cravings as they can be cooked in different ways. Half-boiled, omelet, fried, or scrambled eggs all are very easy to cook and taste very delicious. Apart from being versatile, eggs are also very sustainable. Organic eggs are the best option to ensure maximum quality nutrition during pregnancy.
6. Egg yolk benefits for the growing infant: Similar to fish oils, egg yolk is very good for the growing infant as it is an excellent source of fatty acids EPA and DHA. It also helps in developing the nervous system of the infant.
7. Importance of Raw eggs: Raw eggs are very important during pregnancy and arerecommended by Dr. Mercola. In the case of normal blood cholesterol levels, women can have two eggs in a day to have a balanced diet. And in case of high cholesterol levels, it is advised to avoid egg yolk.
The right way to cook eggs while consuming during pregnancy:
Proper cooking temperatures kill harmful bacteria present in food including eggs. Therefore, it is a good idea to use a food thermometer to check the doneness of food.
Egg dishes should be eaten at least 70C (16OF) internal temperature. Also, whether boiling, frying, or scrambling the eggs, make sure the yolks and whites are firm and not runny.
Make sure you avoid food items that contain undercooked eggs such as unpasteurized eggs, homemade Caesar salad, cake butter, etc. Vitamin B12 and iodine present in eggs helps in maintaining healthy nerve cells.
The Food Standards Agency in the UK states that British eggs produced under the British
Lion Code of practice are highly unlikely to cause salmonella and that pregnant Women can now safely eat them, even lightly cooked, however, this information does not apply to Cyprus.
FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions)
How Many Eggs Should A Pregnant Woman Eat?
Pregnant women can eat 1- 2 eggs daily and each egg should contain 185 MG cholesterol as the body needs only 300 MG daily. However, you must consult your gynecologist before consuming in case the eggs have high cholesterol levels which might increase complications.
How do We Store Eggs?
It is always advised to store eggs in the fridge to minimize the chances of spoilage and try keeping them away from other food items and remove the eggs with damaged shells because they contain bacteria.
What is the right way to cook eggs while consuming during pregnancy?
Egg dishes should be eaten at least 70C (16OF) internal temperature. Also, whether boiling, frying, or scrambling the eggs, make sure the yolks and whites are firm and not runny.
Make sure you avoid food items that contain undercooked eggs such as unpasteurizedeggs, homemade Caesar salad, cake butter, etc. Vitamin B12 and iodine present in eggs helps in maintaining healthy nerve cells.
How Long Do Eggs Lasts?
Boiled eggs should not be kept for a long time and must be consumed within 2 days or a maximum of three days after boiling. Any recipe made from an egg should be consumed immediately.
The Food Standards Agency in the UK states that British eggs produced under the BritishLion Code of practice are highly unlikely to cause salmonella and that pregnant Women can now safely eat them, even lightly cooked, however, this information does not apply to Cyprus.
Proper cooking temperatures kill harmful bacteria present in food including eggs Therefore, it is a good idea to use a food thermometer to check the doneness of food.
Therefore, eating eggs during pregnancy won’t have any side effects instead it will help in the overall growth and development of the baby if you are aware of the benefits of eating eggs during pregnancy.
So, I hope now you have got some idea about the benefits of eating egg during pregnancy with all the necessary information.
About the Author: Shambhavi
Bio: Hello! I’m Shambhavi currently pursuing graduation (BCom) from the University of Allahabad. Apart from being an avid reader, I pen down my thoughts in the form of blogs and articles. Working as an author on the site has been a great experience so far, looking forward to exploring more and learning the relevant skills that would enhance my capabilities and thought process. I hope my passion for content writing turns out to be successful and people appreciate my write-ups.
Oh yes, eggs are my suoer power. For me an egg a day keeps me happy and gay. Infact we parsis can eat eggs during any meal and have loads of recipes for egg dishes. So yaay. I really enjoyed your post.
Thats good to know.
Totally agree with you Alpana and can’t tell how much I love eggs. Whether in my pregnancy or during my weight loss journey, I have always had one every day mostly.
They are so versatile.
Eggs are such a great source of protein and I had during both my pregnancy. This is such a useful article for all new-to-be mommies!!