Rejections – Have you ever thought about the positive sides of rejections?

“Yes, I do” and they happily lived ever after. These words spread joy in the ambiance. Whether it be wedding wows or a day-to-day situation, hearing a “yes” has its own charm. We all want to hear a Yes. As kids, we always had a desire to get a yes from our parents. As parents, we want to listen a yes from our kids. The way Yes makes us happy, No makes us sad. That’s human nature.  It is not easy to take rejections positively but the truth is a “No” or rejection is equally important. As they say, you don’t understand the value of something until you lose it. If we get in the habit of getting a yes or getting accepted all the time then it raises our expectation bar way too high and we take even a small rejection as a major setback. Have you thought about the positive sides of rejections?


Rejections have you ever thought about the positive sides of rejection?


Being into blogging for almost 4 years now (I count the last one year as the most serious one in terms of collaborations & content creation), I got many acceptances but there were quite a few rejections that came on my way. Being in the blogging world, you should be ready to write several blog posts that might not be read by anyone except your near and dear ones. Yes, that’s the truth. Rejection is a very strong word. But it has some positive side to it. I can tell you from my blogging experience how rejections have made me a strong person.


Blogging & Rejections: Rejections have made me a strong person


  • It is not about me: I learned, if I do not get any reply to my email or not a positive one then that’s not personal. Maybe the brand doesn’t want to work with me at that point. Or maybe my area of writing is not suitable for their brand. You have to face rejection if you want to build something that really matters to you. Because then only rejections will not bother you much.


  • It is not always permanent: If my post needs some modifications or edits then that doesn’t mean it is rejected. I can re-submit it after modifying it and making it up to their expectations.


  • It gives me a chance to improve myself: I agree, getting an email saying “we don’t have any opportunity as of now.” might not feel very good but there is always a room to improve yourself. I have seen new bloggers want to collaborate with reputed brands but their DA or stats is not as per the expectations of the brands. But instead of getting upset, why not to work towards creating some really good content and improving your DA.


  • It showed me a possibility and where the prospects are: “Often No is not a rejection. Its a redirection.” During my initial phase of collaborating when I used to hear that brands are looking for DA 30+, then that was a clue for me that where I should take my blog to be accepted by them.


  • It made me a better blogger: Yes, as I said that if you want to do something that you really care for then rejections, emails saying “sorry, better luck next time.”, “we are not interested in collaborating.” Or sometimes no reply at all in spite of your follow-up emails (this irritates me the most) made me realize that okay, my destiny is somewhere else. Instead of wasting my time and energy it’s better to move on.


Blogging is not easy. Putting your content out there for a bunch of people who you don’t know it truly courageous. I salute to all my co-bloggers (who I know and who I don’t) for that. Do you think, rejections have taught you some good lessons?




About Alpana

I am Alpana Deo. You can call me a passionate writer who enjoys writing in any form.I feel motherhood gave me chances to explore and think about many such areas that I never paid attention. Writing to me is a feeling of satisfaction, relaxation after a tiring day and an accomplishment of doing something meaningful.

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